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3rd April 1972

Sirus pov


I woke up and got ready to start the day I don't know if my family are mad after I walked away from them talking to me. I was angry at the fact I was trapped and I see my parents everyday. I never wanted this to happen and I wanted to focus on getting through hogwarts.

This was the only place I could enjoy being with my friends and not have my parents tell me what to do or hurting me. Ever since they have arrived I was scared to be around them or speak to them. This was for the best as it was how bad my mental health was and I never could accept what they did to me.

What happened to me growing up was traumatic and I wanted to forget. This has been giving me nightmares that I can't move on from. I have always care about my family but it's never when you get abused that you are going to be afraid of your future.

I headed down to the great hall and sat down with my friends and started eating. I saw my uncle alphard and reg look at me with happiness to see me happy. This was new as we never spoke to each other yesterday as I knew it was all my parents doing as they hate them talking to me.

My parents and uncle soon left with narcissa as they head somewhere. They all walked over to and sat down to talk  to me. Hey sirus we heard what happened you ok reg said. No I wanted to go out and be far away from our parents and uncle I said. Yeah we know but we will keep them far away as possible and make sure your safe my nana said.

The others joined me and my family soon left after. Hey we are heading to hogsmade to do cave exploring James said. What you all said you would stay with me I said we'll you know we still want to see them and when your allowed out again we'll take you with us remus said.

You know what forget about it and the next time I go I won't take you with me I said. Sirus it's not like that James said and before he could say anything I yelled at him to fuck off and leave me alone. I left the great hall feeling more angry and annoyed that they will even go without me.

I headed to the library and started to do some studying. There were alot of work to do as I was given some to do while having no lessons and not able to leave the place was annoying. I hated being In a place where I feel like I'm trapped and I can't leave.


I was done with the first piece of work and was feeling hungry so I headed down to the great hall to have some lunch. I saw that it was quite full as it would usually be empty for the day as they would be outside.

I sat down and started eating as the others weren't back at the time and it was just me. I was enjoying the quite and no one to talk to was the best and I loved it. I was still mad at them for going to the caves without me and it just hurts as they know I don't want to see my parents. This made me so mad as they know what happened to me and know I have anxiety from this.

I went back to the library and started the rest of my work. I see narcissa walk in as I forgot she has a free lesson. Hey I thought I would find you here narcissa said. Yeah well everyone went to hogsmade and know I don't want to see my parents so I'm in here I said. Oh well that's stupid to leave you here alone and they won't even stay while your having this to deal with narcissa said.


I was doing the work as narcissa left and went straight to her lesson after talking for a while. I found this assignment really hard as I didn't get it and I needed the others to help me but their in hogsmade. I feel like giving up and just burning the whole thing.

I feel myself shaking as I just heard a bang from somewhere and I didn't know if we were under attack. I look behind me and there was a huge fight going on and I have been in here all day. This was unexpected as they usually anonce this but I guess I missed it.

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