one week later

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10th April 1972

Sirus pov


I woke up from my nightmare and I look up to see it was 4am. I lye back down and try to get back to sleep but I was still upset from the argument with reg the other day. I didn't expect him to lash out on me and remus tells me he regret saying what he did.

The argument where he said I wished I wasn't his brother and how much peaceful it would be if I never existed. Those words broke me and I can't forgive him for that. It was only because I was angry with the no lesson and I wasn't the only one but it felt like I would be never be myself anymore.

The others and my grandparents have tried to get me to talk to him but I don't want to talk to him. This is something I thought I would never expect to hear from my own brother. I sit up wanting to go and get some fresh air and try and  sleep again. I felt someone's arm around my waist and I look down and see remus asleep and moving around.

I lye back down and fall asleep in his arms. I wrapped my arms around him so I could feel his warm body around me. Then I noticed James wasn't in his bed like he usually is and i hear the door open and it was him and lilly walking in and going on the bed.


I woke up and saw everyone was awake and gone. I got up and got ready for the day after a long night. I was feeling a little tired but ill be fine for the day. I was heading to hogsmade to do more drawings as the others were staying behind to do some work.

I headed to the great hall and sat down next to remus. Everyone was eating and I saw lily looking neverous as james was flirting with her. So you guys  dating or is James just flirting with you lily i said. I don't know what your talking about James said I can tell he was lying to me when he was biting his tongue.

Well don't lie to me I saw you both get in the same bed around 4 in the morning I said. Everyone dropped what they were eating after what they just heard me say. Fine we have been dating for like a few days and just wanted to keep quiet James said. Yeah it's the same when me and remus started dating as we kept it quiet for like a 7 months I said.

So you heading down to hogsmade today lilly asked. Yeah I need some time away from here and to be far away from my family I said. I understand I can't believe regulas said that to you James said. I know what about you guys I said we are going to the library we have alot of work to catch up on peter said.

We carried on eating and enjoying the morning here. I saw reg look at me and then look away so I wouldn't see him but my grandparents were starting at me to talk to him but I just ignored them. This was the only time I could enjoy being myself and not be worried about him as he made it clear to me who I was to him.


I finished the work I needed and grab my art supplies to go. I went into the great hall and got something to eat as the others were still in the library. I was happy I could go again as hogsmade was the only place I could not feel my anxiety go throw the roof.

I finished eating and headed to the professors table and got a permission slip to leave. It was funny now all the other houses have been going to hogsmade after being told we weren't having lessons for another two weeks. One of the shop keepers asked me why I was there again after a week and I just simply said we were not allowed to be in any lessons for anther two weeks.

They were shocked as they thought it would be a week that we can have this and be back to our normal lessons. But i guess we have to wait and see when they would leave again. I get up and leave the castle and headed to the train station. It was fun leaving this place behind and do something new with my life.

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