ignoring game ends

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16th April 1972

Sirus pov


It's been a few days since I last spoke to remus and the others. I have been ignoring them for 4 days as I have no intention to talk to them after what happened. Lilly was angry at him but forgave him after two days as he was apparently sorry which I don't believe.

The parents of slytherin extended their stay till the end of the month but my grandparents put them in place so they haven't done anything to me. I hated the fact they were still here. When I told reg and my uncle alphard what happened they were angry at them and made sure I never was alone through the day.

My parents weren't angry at the fact my family were talking to me and just let it go. I got up and saw they were still asleep so I got ready and headed down for breakfast. Being back in lessons were okay and I enjoyed being back and it was easy as we just did the work.


I was sitting by myself and I see reg, narcissa and my uncle alphard walk over to me and sit down next to me. So have you got any plans lyra wants to speed the day with you my uncle alphard said. Yes I'm planning to go to hogsmade and get a new sketch book since the last one was destroyed I said.

I don't blame you sirus what James did was out of line narcissa said. I know it why I have been ignoring them I said good they all deserve it for allowing James to get away with it and not even say sorry as it was mainly his fault reg said.

Anyway if lyra wants to join me she can I would love to spend the day with her i said. Good because we have to sort things out and lyra can't be there since it involves the parents and I need to keep an eye on my parents today alphard said. I was done with breakfast and carried in talking to my uncle.

I see remus, james, lilly, Peter and Mary walk in and sit at the table and I looked away from them. Then Sean and Thomas sit down next to me as we were also good friends and they were dating each other. The last few days I can tell remus was jealous of me hanging out with them.

Hey sirus we were wondering if you wanted to come with us to the library today Sean said. Sorry dude my cousin is heading back to France and has asked to spend the day with her I said. Oh that's fine enjoy the rest of your day Thomas said.


I was waiting for lyra to join me as she went to grab her small bag ready to go. I see mcgonical walk over to me as she was worried about me as she knows what happened but thinks James did it out of anger and I stopped talking to her as I just shut her out.

She was about to say something and that's when lyra comes over to me. Hey cos ready to go and I want to stay there late so I can know more about you lyra said. Yeah im ready you really took your time just to get a bag I said. Well when you want to find the right bag you will take it lyra said. What like an hour to find one to use as we are just going for a few hours I said.

We left the great hall and headed to the train station to get to hogsmade. So what is up with that professor standing infront of you lyra asked. Well she a mother figure to me but took James side when he ripped up my sketch book I said. Damm should I go and knock her out if she's fine with someone who would do that to you lyra said.

I know it's why I keep shutting her out when she tries to talk to me I said. You should sirus as she and thoose so called friends were happy to have you be hurt than themselves lyra said. Yeah true but first let's stop off at the shops I need to get a new sketch book since my last one was destroyed I said.

We went to the shop I last got my sketch book. This time I made sure to get one with a lock so they can't get into it without a key. After that we headed to a little cafe and got something to eat there and it was way fun than being stuck in a place where i feel so much pressure.

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