prank aftermath

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21st April 1972

Sirus pov


I woke up to see everyone was still asleep. I got up and got ready and went straight to the hogsmade. The professors know I have been having a rough few days. I didn't have the heart to tell anyone what happened on remus full moon.

It was the worst day and I can't be in lessons for a week. They wanted me to be in the school and do the work which I have been doing the last few days. I sat on the furthest hill where no one can see me but I can see everyone. I made sure to get something to eat and some snacks for the day.

I made sure that the professors haven't seen me leave and get work done with out the stress. I even bought my art work to do as its been getting bigger and amazing. I knew if I stayed at hogwarts everyone would hate me and I haven't spoken to James and the others in a while.

James found out what snape did and has tried to talk to me but I pushed him away aswell as mcgonical as she has tried to talk to me. The only people I have been speaking to was reg and narcissa as andromeda have been keeping our family from finding out the secret.

I think they noticed the bandages on my arm and are worried about this as they don't know about my past of self harming. I tried to hide it from everyone so they don't worry about me and don't talk to them. I started the work and it was very easy to do and I knew I would be finished by lunch time.


It was lunch time and I headed to a new place outside of hogsmade and had some lunch there. The place was full and so many people were just enjoying the place. Once I was done I went exploring the whole place and it was beautiful.

The place had so many art pieces and it looked like it was something people could enjoy and be at peace. There was so many shops that I went inside and bought a few things. I was lucky I saw these stuff as there were witches who were here and got alot of things aswell.

I headed back to the hills and started doing some art work. This was the best place to relax and I quite enjoyed it and was very happy. I went over so many of them and even did more drawings that I had imagined. Then I saw someone go in hogsmade and it looked like it was dumbledore.

I was confused why he was here and I see mcgonical and the others here aswell. I move to the other side of the tree so they couldn't see me. Where the hell is sirus remus said I don't know but if it's true what regulas said about the badges on his arms then we should look for him James said. Well he's definitely not on the hills as I can't see him anywhere peter said.

I was trying my hardest to keep my distance and crawled down the hill and went to the one behind it. I was hoping they didn't see me move and not spy on me. I knew this was a bad Idea the fact he's been shutting everyone out like were mad at him but we're not lilly said. Yeah well after what snape did was disgusting to us and that's what broke sirus remus said.

I felt tears run down my face what they said made me realise they care and want to speak to me. I just couldn't forgive myself for what happened and just want to be left alone. I got to the other hill and see them look around and I think they were giving up.


I didn't hear anything about them and I do think they gave up and went back to the castle. I was mainly drawing and doing the work I was given and was enjoying the quite. I hadn't seen the others or heard anyone here and I felt myself falling asleep. But I had a quick drink of water and see my arm was bleeding again.

Shoot how has this happened as they weren't bleeding for a day. I checked on them and saw it was only bleeding a bit and cleaned it up. I look around hoping no one saw me do this and remus wasn't anywhere near me. After I was done cleaning the scars I carried on with my drawings.

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