quiditch match.

277 2 0

2nd April 1972

Sirus pov


I woke up and got ready for the match as I was the buldger. James has been so excited for this match before it the lesson were cancelled as it was a big deal as it was the semi finals to see who will go through to the finals. The others were still asleep so I got ready for the day.

I went down to the great hall where the other team mates were. I sat down and started having breakfast and talking to my other friends. James and remus joined me at the table and we all started eating. So are we ready for this match James said yeah but knowing my parents are here I'm a little nervous I said.

Don't worry I think mcgonical and dumbledore are keeping an eye on them remus said. We hear screaming as we knew who it was and it was lily. We run to check on her and see my family standing infront of her. I run and see if she was hurt and luckily she wasn't.

What on earth happened here and why is my family standing infront of you I said. Well I was walking towards the great hall to join you and your mom pushed me lily said. Come let's get you checked out and she's not my mom anymore mcgonical is I said. I help lily up as james came over to see if she was ok.

Soon they left and I turned around to see my mom look angry as my grandparents were happy to see me take care of my friends. We headed back inside as peter, dracas and Marlene joined us at the table. We tell them what happened before they came in and they were super mad at what my parents did to lily.


We finished with practice and went to get something to eat before the game started. I was nervous as my entire family were here and the game was going to start soon as I had my good luck charm watching me through the game.

Once we finished we headed outside to start the game. I saw remus and lily in the Griffindoor player box. Hey I came to wish you good luck before the game remus said. Thanks moony but your my good luck charm I said as we started kissing each other. He was the best person to have in my life and I hope we spend the rest of our lives together.

We let go as the game was starting and James was pretending to be sick. It was funny to watch him like that as he will never grow out of it. They soon left as we headed to the quiditch grounds to start and there were alot of cheers from everyone. It was good to start the game with everyone cheering for you as you begin the match.

Everyone hope on your brooms and let's begin the match madam hooch said. We all jump ok the broomsticks and get ready in position and fly up so everyone can watch the game. Madam hooch starts telling the rules and I see remus watch as we get ready to play. I see my family look nervous as they have never watched me play the game.

We were doing well as it looked like we were going to win the whole thing. We only needed James to catch the golden snitch to win this whole thing. I was happy we might make it to the finals and this would make us happy as the next team to go was ravenclaws and slytherin house. I knew my brother was going to beat the ravenclaws as he is a better snitch on his team.

James Potter has caught the snitch I repeat James Potter has the snitch the winner of the game is Griffindoor house madam hooch said. We were all so happy and landed the broom and run to James as he was happy to get the snitch. We look up as everyone was cheering for us as I see my uncle alphard and my grandparents look happy to see me win.

As for my parents they were unhappy to see me win but I didn't care. We had people here happy to see us win and see us go through to the finals. I have met so many amazing people in hogwarts I don't care if there wasn't anyone who cared about me.

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