the talk

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11th April 1972

Sirus pov


I woke up as remus, james and petter was still asleep. I got up and got ready for the day and had my art stuff to do more drawings in hogsmade. I head to the common room to get my shoes as I left them inside.

I head down to the great hall and started eating. Lilly joins me and we have a long talk about yesterday after I was left outside to talk to lyra and tells me she would have waited but was really tired from the work yesterday. Is your dad stupid or the most dumbest person I have ever met Lilly said.

I don't know but all I know is that he will try turn my family against me to get what he wants I said. I wonder what he was planning to do when telling your cousin it was all false lilly said. I actually don't know but I don't care she choose to listen to my other family members instead of me I said.

Hm yeah you going back to hogsmade today lilly said. Yeah I love being there and the drawings I have been doing is around hogsmade I said. Well that's good I'm happy you took on this new hobby and it's seems to help you out alot lily said. I know what about you and the others are you staying here or coming with me to hogsmade I said.

Why not go to hogsmade and I know the others will want to come aswell lilly said. Then the others walk in and sit down with us and see they were ready to head out or stay inside. Hey you guys coming with us to hogsmade or staying here at school I said. Yeah were going to hogsmade we need some space from here James said.

We finished eating breakfast as I saw my family walk in and sees me looking happy. My dad looked more annoyed as his plan failed and saw Lyra as she was sad but realised her mistake by listening to my dad. Hey what's up with your cousin and how come she looks upset peter asked.

I don't want talk about it right now as this is her own fault I said. They all looked confused but let it go as they saw I was upset. Reg walks over to me as he was happy to see me more happy and gives me a big hug and heads back to our family. Oh good you two made up I was hoping you would lily said.


We were in hogsmade and I was on the hills as the others were in the caves again. I was enjoying as I started to draw the caves and a kid enter into a new world. The art was good and amazing in a way I imagined it. I feel someone arm wrap around my waist and I turn around and see it was remus.

Hey so let me look at this drawing you have here remus said. No it's not finished and I want to suprise you with this as I said as tried to move my sketch book away from him. Remus grabs it and sees the work wow this is amazing babe maybe you should let me keep some remus said.

Maybe when it's your birthday and you let me finish it off I said. So are you going to tell me what happened last night and why you were upset remus said. I tell remus everything from start to finish and tell him what my dad told lyra. By the time I finished he was very angry as why my dad told my cousin not to do and not to believe me.

He was calm and James and lilly and Peter came back with lunch for us to eat. I sat down and started eating and it was very nice here. They started to joke around and have fun as they know what happened and they were also angry at my dad. Then we hear a fight happening and it was people shopping and not noticed there a bunch of kids on a hill.

I saw them get up and look for places to vist. Hey let's go over to that rose feeds and look how beautiful they were James said. I don't think so that where people have been going missing and never leaving I said. Oh right you told us that yesterday we'll we best not go lilly said.

They start to play games as I was too busy painting the art work. We saw more people go to the Rose area and never going out. We pretend we never saw them go through incase the person was there. I see the minister go and investigate and after 30mins he caught him and the missing people were set free.

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