narcissa and andromeda reunion

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9th September 1971

Sirus pov


I woke up ready for the third year and I was happy when we can go hogsmade this year. I can buy stuff from there and even when I was told how much is in my vault. I was suprised as the last time I checked there was nothing in there so I let it go as it was probably me being stupid.

I head down with all my stuff and head get ready to go. I saw James and remus head down the stairs ready to go to hogwarts. Hey mom thanks for signing both mine and sirus permission slips for school James said. No problem kids just make sure you behave and no doing prank euphemia said.

We sit down and have some breakfast as we were hungry. Remus stayed with us for the last week of the summer holidays as we hoped he could come and his parents allowed it. We had fun on the last week of the summer holiday and now we were ready to head back. I saw that his dad was at work so it was the three of us.

We put everything in the car and made we had everything so we don't come back for anything. Soon as we made sure it was all in the car we made the journey to the train station. It was a long journey as james lived far from London so we made sure nothing bad happens till we get there.


We arrived and put our things in a trolley and headed onto platform 9¾ as we hoped peter and Mary and lily saved us a space for us to sit. We see there was so many people here to say goodbye to their children. We see peter pop his head out from the other side of the train.

Well I guess peter saved us a spot on the train for us to sit James said. Yeah but let's not forget that we put everything on before we forget it later I said. Don't worry we made sure it was all on the trolley before we left my moms car James said. The last time you said that you left all your work books at home and euphemia had to mail it out to you i said.

Ok it wasn't even my fault I was too distracted and forgot if I put it in my bag James said. Yeah it was until your mom sent you an angry letter to hogwarts and to make sure it never happened again or the next time she'll throw it at your head remus said. Yeah I know but just make sure there in their for me sirus james asked yeah there in here I said.

We head to where peter was and made sure we knew where to go. Your lucky I made sure they were there or else your mom would have made sure it was staple to your head I said. We hear someone call my name and we turn around to see my parents, aunt and uncle Bella parents aswell as my grandparents and my uncle alphard.

I was shocked to see them all here as we don't have any communication with each other. My parents were mad to see me here at the train station and I knew they were going to see me here. So sirus how's life after cutting everyone out and didn't care to say anything to anyone my mom said. You know it's actually much better I'm actually happy I said.

Hah like your happy I hope you never find love like me and your father are my mom said. Oh it dosent matter if im not happy mrs black but cutting everyone out was the best descion i said. My mom looked angry at what I said but I didn't care anymore and I was happy where I am.

I see lily looking confused where to find us. Yo lily are you ready we are heading over to where Peter is I said. Oh there you are I was looking where you three were who are these ugly looking woman is lilly said.I don't know but I wonder where Mary is I said.

She's probably on the train and where we are meant to be lily said don't worry we're not leaving till 2 anyway james said. Then I see lyra standing there wanting me to talk to her but I ignored her. Yo do you think mom will let us of with the homework I said just to make my real mom jealous.

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