Girls are a troublesome type!

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                Shikamaru and I sat up on the hill for a few hours, just chatting about nonsense, random stuff that in any other conversation would have sounded like we were completely crazy. But to us, they were just normal conversations.

                "Shika, can we go get ramen? I really want ramen!" I exclaimed as I stood up, grabbing his hand and pulling on it. "Please!"

                "You are such a troublesome woman!" He shouted at me, but stood up beside me. I wrapped my arms around his waist, leaning my head against his chest. Now Shikamaru wasn't that tall, but I was fairly short for my age. I grabbed Shika's hand and pulled his long, his head falling back slowly as he groaned out loud.

                "This is such a drag, Kruno." He exclaimed, but he followed along. That was the kind of relationship that we have always had. He always complained about what I wanted to do, but he always did it. He held my hand as we walked, our arms swaying from front to back with every step. Even though we had been up there for hours, the sun was only just starting to set. I figures that we would have about an hour and thirty minutes to eat and to get home before both of our parents began to freak out 

                We arrived at Ichiraku's Ramen, and Teuchi smiled at Shikamaru, before glancing at me. He tilted his head before it dawned on him. He remembered who I was, and he ran to the front of the counter.

                "Kruno?!" He said, and I nodded, smiling. He turned around and told Ayame to begin making me Beef Ramen, two orders. One to go, and one for here. That's what I always wanted when I used to come in here. Shikamaru and I sat down, and Shikamaru ordered one beef ramen. I leaned my head against his shoulder, smiling at him slightly.

                "I have missed Ichiraku's ramen more than I can explain, Teuchi!" I said with a smile , tapping my fingers along the counter. He looked at me, nodding at me quickly.

                "We missed having you around here. It was lonely here, the only other person that comes in here all the time is Naruto!" He said, chuckling quietly.

                "Well, don't worry, I'll be around more often now that I'm home in Konoha!" I said, smiling as I was given my two bowls of ramen, and Shika was given his. I quickly scarfed down the ramen, and I could feel Shika's eyes staring against the side of my head. I glanced over at him, ramen noodles hanging out of my mouth as I tilted my head to the side.

You are such a drag (A Shikamaru Nara Fan Fiction) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now