Team 10, Unite!

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I woke up the next morning in my bed, which was weird because I did not remember coming home. I sat up, and looked around before I laughed at Watamote. At the moment, she was laying upside down on the bed, her ears hanging upside down and she had a trail of drool running down the front of her face, near her eyes. I couldn't help but laugh. It was an adorable.

                I got up from the bed, and walked out into the hallway. My brown hair blocking some of my view but I smelled the food cooking in the kitchen. Obviously, my smelling was a lot better than the average humans, all the Inuzuka's had an incredibly sense of smell. It came in a lot of handy when we were assigned to mission such as finding people. We could pick up a scent and travel on that for days.

                "Mom, what are you making?" I asked as I walked over to the stove, placing my hand on her forearm. She glanced down at me and smiled slightly as she used her free hand to ruffle my insanely mess hair.

                "Bacon and eggs. I figured that I could get up early and treat both of my babies to a good breakfast since you both are genin! I am so proud of both of you!" She said, giggling slightly. Now, my mother way not one for giggling, so I really did know that she was happy for us, and very proud of my brother and I.

                "Thank you momma! I missed your cooking so much." I said, as I began to anime drool over how amazing it smelled. My mom used her hand to push my jaw up so that I couldn't not drool anymore.

                "I do not care if you were raised in a cave, I taught you better than to drool." She said, putting her nose up in the air, before glancing down at me. I was raising my eyebrow at her, and it caused her to laugh slightly. I smiled as she leaned down and kissed my cheek. "Go get ready for school, you're meeting your Sensei today and you need to look presentable."

                "Hai!" I said before I made my way to my room, glancing at Watamote who was still asleep. I had a feeling that my dog was almost as lazy as Shika... Almost. I walked to my closet and began to get dressed in almost the same outfit that I wore yesterday except I wrapped a bandage around my hand and forearm, ending it at my elbow. I used my fingers to comb through my mob of a head, managing to get some of my hair to laid down before I tied my headband around my neck loosely again. At this point, I was satisfied with how I looked and skipped back into the kitchen.

                "All ready! How do I look, mother?" I asked, smiling bright at her, which she returned.

                "Beautiful as always." A voice said, but it wasn't my mothers' voice. It was Kiba. I smiled at my brother, turning around so that I could look at him.

You are such a drag (A Shikamaru Nara Fan Fiction) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now