Kruno Goes For A Swim

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I woke up in the middle of the night with Kiba still in my lap, I looked down at him with a slightly laugh. I gently pulled him off of my lap, and onto my pillow, then I slowly started to take off his jacket. Once I had it off, I folded it and placed it on the chair in the corner of my room. I huffed out an air of breath, and slowly pulled the blanket up over his body. I leaned down and kissed his head gently before I left my room, adjusting my crutches as I did, while my legs felt better I felt like I needed these just in case. I walked into the living room, before slowly slipping out of the front door without making too much noise so that I wouldn't wake up my mom or the dogs.

I looked up at the dark sky, and smiled slightly before I leaped off the ground, wincing as a pain shot through my leg, but gently landed on the roof without much sound. I sighed softly and laid down against the hard surface that our roof was made of, placing my crutches beside me, but smiled lightly. I put my arms behind my head, and stared up at the stars. When I was gone, this was the only thing I had to do when I was there. If I could sneak out without waiting anyone, I would sit outside all night and just stare at the stars.

I smiled up as I started to point out the constellations to myself. It would be more fun if I had the only person I got along with there was here. On nights that I couldn't sneak out by myself, He would take me out and sit in the trees with me, and would let me point out all the constellations to him. He was a little... off. But that was only around everyone else we lived with. Around me, he would slip up and talk like he actually knew a lot more than he put off.

I sighed softly to myself, and pushed a few strains of hair out of my eyesight. Sometimes I missed the days when everything was a lot easier. I continued to look up at the stars until I dosed off, still sitting on my roof.


I felt like I was floating again, and that was not a good sign. I liked it at first, like always, but it was when I was thrown on a grass hill that I began to dislike it. I groaned slightly, and used my hands to rub my face as that was the first place that I hit. "Of all the mother loving place to hit first, it had to be my freaking face..." I sighed slightly as I looked around at my surroundings, and say that I was at the place that Shikamaru had brought me earlier that day. I continued to look around until I saw a younger version of Shikamaru walking up the hill with a picnic basket in his hand. He sighed heavily as he sat down beside where I was standing.

He got out all of the things from the basket, which included most of my favorite foods. It had rice balls, and ramen from ichiraku's. It was actually the exact order I normally got, two orders of beef with extra beef in it. He got out two bottles of water, and a few other things that I loved. He sat all of them out on a small towel he had, and began to eat. He had small tears running down his face, and all I wanted to do was lean over and hug him but I knew that he would not feel it, so I felt no reason to do that. I sat down beside him, and continued to watch him as he took a bite of the rice ball that he had, and I giggled slightly. Shikamaru used to hate rice balls.

"Kruno..." He trailed off, before looking up at the sky. "It's been such a drag since you left. I don't know who to turn to when I need advice, I don't know who to play Shogi with... I don't know who to run into the streams with and try to catch fish. I don't know who to take naps cuddling with anymore, I don't know how to go to ichiraku's ramen without breaking down and crying. It is such a drag, and all I want is for you to come home, please come back to me. Oh god, please Kruno..." He trailed off, and he had tears running down his face at a lot faster pace, and I tried to reach out to pat his back, but my hand went right through him. I cursed under my breath before I felt my body being thrown again.

You are such a drag (A Shikamaru Nara Fan Fiction) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now