Maybe, Just Maybe.

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Shikamaru's Pov

I held Kruno in my arms, finally noticing just how beaten and bruised she was. Her pale white skin was littered with cuts, scraps, and blood. It was a horrific sight, to see her like that. I didn't know how to react, so I just picked her up in my arms and waited until the Sound Nin left the area. I held Kruno close, and we walked out to where Sasuke and Sakura were, Sasukes eyes landed on Kruno and he hit the ground weakly. I would say whatever just happened to him caused him to feel really weak.

"Is she alive?" Sakura asked, and I looked down at Kruno. Her breathing was slow, and faint, but still there. I looked back at Sakura, and nodded my head.

"Yeah, she's alive. Probably just passed out from the pain, what a drag." I said, and I looked at scroll the Sound Nin had placed on the ground, then back at Sasuke and Sakura. "Looks like you guys are set now, better head that way soon. Doesn't look like Sasuke's in the shape to fight again, and Naruto isn't going to be much help at the moment."

"Yeah, I think you're right." Sakura said, and she looked at Kruno sadly. "What are you going to do with her?"

"Carry the troublesome woman." I sighed, looking up at the clouds. "What a troublesome woman."

Her dog Watamote was standing at my feet, looking up at Kruno and whining. I looked down at the dog, and sighed, crouching down to the allow the dog to jump on her body. Watamote laid down, and whined slightly at her. I looked back at my team, and nodded my head slightly.

"Wait!" Sakura screamed out as she walked over to us and handed the Earth to Ino. "You guys fought for this, take it. Kruno would kill me if I was the reason you guys didn't pass through." She said quietly, and I nodded my head.

"Are you sure, Sakura?" Ino asked, and Sakura nodded quickly. "You guys better get going to the tower to get Kruno some help."

We all nodded and took of running towards the tower. I was cradling Kruno in my arms, and I would look down at her every once in a while. I felt like this was all my fault, and if I had been there to protect her, maybe she wouldn't be a beaten up.

I looked back up as we jumped through the trees, and smiled slightly as we got closer to the tower. I looked back at Choji and Ino, who were both panting to themselves. I sighed heavily, oh what a drag, we were going to have to stop for the night.

"Alright guys, go down, we'll start a camp." I said, and they all nodded, and we dropped down carefully to the ground so that we could set up camp. Quickly, Choji and Ino set three tents, and I nodded at them. I went into mine, with Kruno still in my arms, laying her down on the bottom of the tent.

I sat down beside her, and gently pushed her bangs back out of her face. She was so beautiful, and the cuts all over her body didn't make my idea of her change at all. I was actually scared for the first time since she got back, that she could slip out of my grasps again... I shook my head. No, I can't think like that. I just can't.

You are such a drag (A Shikamaru Nara Fan Fiction) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now