Chunin Exam Begin!

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Kruno's POV

"Kruno! Up Up Up!" Kiba shouted in my ear as he leaped onto of me in my bed. I let out a long breath as he landed all of his weight on my stomach.

"I am up! I am up!" I screamed back at him, and pushed him off of me onto the ground. He looked up at me with a crooked smile on his lips, before pushing himself up onto his feet. I sighed slightly and threw my legs off over the side of my bed, standing up.

"Why did you wake me up?!" I said loudly, pouting at him.

"The chunin exams start today!" He said, and this caused me to go into a panic. I throw my cover off of my body, and run over to my closet. Not even caring that Kiba hasn't left the room, I quickly get dressed in my normal ever day outfit, making sure to keep my back to Kiba because it has less scars that he could see.

I run over to my bed and pick up watamote, placing her on top of my head before grabbing my headband off my side table. "Kiba will you tie this around my neck?" I ask, and he nods, walking over to me, placing the head band around my neck loosely. I smile at him before we both run out of the room, screaming a goodbye to our mother as we ran out of the house. We didn't race this time, but we still ran as fast as we could to get to the academy.

By the time we got there, both of us were panting and looking at each other. Kiba threw me a crooked smile, and I gave him a closed eye grin. We walked into the academy, and that where we were met with both of our teams. I walked over to Shikamaru and giggled loudly, throwing my arms around him tightly.

"Hi Shika!" I said, placing a sloppy kiss against his cheek, knowing that it bothered him. He let out a loud groan and shoved me off of him, mumbling about how troublesome all women are, before using his hand to rub his cheek to get the slobber off of his cheek.

"Come on Shikamaru and Kruno! We're already late!" Ino shouted and we all moved to the third floor, and towards room 301. When we got there, we saw Asuma-Sensei who was smiling at us.

"Oh hey guys! I am so glad you came!" He said loudly, and walked over to us, wrapping his arms around the four of us at once in a bone crushing hug. When he let go, we smiled and he opened the door to room 301 for us, and we all walked in. I looked into the room and noticed the rest of the rookies from our class, except for Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke. I smiled and threw my arm up in the air slightly shouting a quiet cah!

I walked over to my brother, and ruffled his hair as the door opened again and this time, the missing three rookies walked in. I smiled to myself, and watched as Ino ran over to Sasuke.

"Sasuke! Where you been!?" Ino shouted, as she threw her arms around his neck tightly. I could just see the steam floating off of Sasukes body from how mad Ino made him. "Boy, you have no idea how much I was hoping you would show up here! I missed those bruiting good looks of yours!"

When Ino said this, Sakura's eyes grew wide and she grew an anime vein on her forehead. She pointed her finger at Ino, and began to scream at her. "Hey you porker! Back off he's mine!"

Ino then got off of Sasukes back, with an arm still wrapped aroind his neck, and looked Sakura over. "Miss forehead, they let you in? Still got those big frown lines on your billboard brow!"

This is where I decided that it would be in everyones favor if I saved Sasuke from the two fangirls that were fighting over him at the moment. So, I skipped away from my brother and over to Sasuke, grabbing his hand and pulling him away from Sakura and Ino. Sasuke was at first annoyed, but when he looked down and saw it was me, he gave me a halfhearted smirk.

"Hey mutt, he's mine!" Both of them screamed at the same time, and I threw up my middle finger to them both, causing them to anime fall. I guess this was the first time that Shikamaru had noticed that all ten rookies were here.

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