Chunin Exams, The Forest Of Death!

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Kruno's POV

"What is this place...?" I heard Naruto mumble, and for once, I agreed with him. We were standing in front of a large gated forest, which gave off one of the most eerie feelings I had ever experienced. I scooted closer to Kiba, and looped my arms around his left arm, closing my eyes and hiding my head in his shoulder. I had a bad feeling going into this.

"This is the location for the second phase of the exam, it is the 44 battle training zone, but we call it... the forest of death." Anko said, and you could hear a few people echo what she said. We all seemed to be distracted from the Idea of a forest of death, because Naruto began to be chased by a box. He was running around, and the box was following him. I think we were all confused.

The box exploded, and three children popped out of the box. They all explained who they were, but I ignored them. I didn't really care.

"Hey! You over there! What are you doing? You're holding up the exams!"

"Oh sorry, but konohamaru was telling me something about an interview about the academy interview."

Anko nodded slightly and placed her hand on her head, a blush creeping over her cheek. "Oh yeah, I forgot all about it. Lord Hokage had said something about them interviewing me. Alright, we are taking a ten minute break, those who are schedule to be interviewed please be respectful to the reporters from the Academy." Anko said, and some groaned.

Those who were to be interviewed went to the side, and my squad and I sat down together. I leaned against Shikamaru, and kissed his shoulder gently. He looked over at me and rolled his eyes slightly. "What do you want, Kruno?" He asked, and I just shrugged my shoulders back at him. I looked over at Choji, who like always was seating. But for the first time, seeing his food made me hungry.

"Hey Choji, can I have a few of those chips?" As soon as I asked, my stomach rumbled. I think that is what showed Cho that I was really hungry. He looked down at his food, before sighing and nodding. He extended the back to me, and I giggled loudly, reaching my hand into the bag. I took a small handful, and began to munch on them. We all sat around and chatted for the ten minutes we had before the exam started. In that time, I had migrated over to my brother and thrown my arms around him tightly.

For the first time since I had gottened back, I was scared of losing my brother again. I had no idea what we would be doing in this forest, or if we would even go into it, but I was scared. The years that I spent without my family were hell, and I didn't want to think of not having that anymore.

I was pulled from my thoughts as Anko began to speak to us. "Soon enough, you'll find out why they call it the forest of death."

I had to stifle a laugh as I looked at Naruto, who placed his hands on his hips, stuck his rear out, and began to imitate Anko.

"Do your worse! You're not going to scare me away! Do your worse!" Naruto screamed.

Anko smirked, and looked at Naruto with a closed eyed smile. "So, looks like we've got a tough guy!" Anko said, as a Kunai fell from her jacket sleeve, and she threw it towards Naruto. It nicked his cheek, and went flying past a grass ninja, lodging into the ground. The proctor appeared behind Naruto, and began to whisper. "Are you tough enough to handle this? You aren't afraid are you? Tough guys like you usually leave their blood all over this forest."

The grass nin picked up the kunai that Anko had thrown with her tongue and walked over to Anko, getting too close for comfort. I think Anko noticed that, because another Kunai came out of her sleeve, and she swung it back towards the grass nin. The grass girl smiled, her tongue still sticking out of her mouth with the kunai wrapped in it.

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