A Goodbye

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(so I'm going to rush Sasuke's and Gaara's fight because it is not that important to this chapter!
also, I do not have my laptop so I am not able to watch the episode over to get all the info for the chapter that I need. A lot of things WILL be off, and I am sorry for that. don't hate me too much.

Shikamaru stood further away from me than he normally did, but I tried to wave off the feeling that it caused in my stomach. The feeling of unease was not wavering, and I began to worry.

I crossed my legs as I sat down on the ground, and looked through the bars to watch the next round. Finally Sasuke had arrived so his match with Gaara was finally underhand. I was gripping the bars in my hands as I watched every move, small chuckles passing my lips as Sasuke attempted to attack Gaara, never getting near him because of his sand.

It wasn't until Sasuke began to use his full speed, that he was able to hit Gaara. I gasped slightly as Gaara started to bleed, and that's when I knew all hell was about to break loose.

"Blood.. My blood!" Gaara began to scream, and I gulped, he was screaming, grabbing at his head. I watched as the wall behind them exploded, and crashed down around everyone.

It was like time stopped around us, and everything was in slow motion. The wall was falling down, being completely shattered by some force, and I heard the two sand Shinobis I trusted a lot more than most people scream.

"The invasion has begun!"

I fell back against the ground, falling into a sleep like trace. It was a genjutsu, which sucked because I had no ability to break a genjutsu by myself. I sighed softly as I felt like my body was floating in mid air.


My body was thrown forward onto the hard grown, and I looked around. Fuck, it was another one of these flashback things. Goddammit.. I looked over and saw a man with bright orange hair walking beside a woman with a cool shade of blue hair who was holding seven year old me. Little Kruno was giggling loudly as she held onto the woman's hand, looking around at all of the things that the small celebration they were walking in had.

They walked past a small shop that held a bunch of swords, and little Kruno ran over to the window, looking
up at a rather large samurai sword that hung in the window. She looked back at the orange haired man and pointed at the sword.

"Can I get that, leader-sama?!" She exclaimed, and he looked up at the sword and chuckled.

"It's a little big for you, don't you think, pipsqueak?" He asked, and Kruno shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't care! I'll use it when I'm bigger!" She said before she turned to him, and started to pout, placing her hands together. "Please." She said sweetly, and the man rolled his purple eyes before he walked in the shop. When he came back, he had the sword in a purple holder that had 'pipsqueak.' burned into it. He looked down at Kruno, and told her he would carry it. She nodded happily, and started to trot along with the woman's hand in hers again.

I smiled, I remembered those days so clearly, that it was almost as if it had happened just yesterday. I watched the blue hair woman ruffled my hair slightly, before my body was thrown again. But this time, I was sitting in an all too familiar room, staring at eight year old me who was sitting with a blonde gentlemen with long blonde hair. He had clay in his hand, and so did I.

"Now, you have to be careful, yeah." He said, nodding his head and she nodded back at him. "This stuff will explode, but you can make it into something beautiful before you make it blow up."

"Oh! Okay!" I said as I began to make a flower, making sure that it was perfectly sculpted before I handed it back to the man, who smiled at little me.

You are such a drag (A Shikamaru Nara Fan Fiction) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now