We try to be strong for those we love.

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Krunos POV

"Asuma-Sensei is late." I said, as I strolled up the hill, with my hands behind my head. Shikamaru nodded his head, sighing loudly.


"Yeah, I know. What a drag." Shika said, rolling his eyes slightly as he walked over to me, throwing his left arm around my neck, and walking with me back to where the rest of our team was. Ino looked at us, before she let a giggle pass her lips. I tilted my head at her, and gave her the 'what are you laughing about?'


"You guys would be so cute together!" She exclaimed, and I looked over at Shikamaru, who did the same to me, before we both busted out laughing. We then looked over at Ino, and shook our heads very quickly.

"Um, no, she's too troublesome for me." He said, before removing his arm around my neck. I pouted at him, and grabbed his arm, forcing it back around my neck.

"Don't you dare try and stop holding me, you freak face!" I shouted at him, pointing my noise into the air, making a hmph noise. Shikamaru mumbled about how troublesome I am, and how much of a drag having to deal with me is. I only laughed and then moved away from him, allowing his arm to fall limp beside him. He rolled his eyes, and I smiled slightly as Asuma-Sensei finally arrived at the training grounds.

"Hey guys! Sorry I'm late, I was eating." He said with a nervous chuckle, the cigar in his mouth still at the same burning point when we met him yesterday. I mean, obviously it was a different cigar, but it just kind of made me giggle. He smiled at us, before we announced that we would work on teamwork. I just nodded, and we all moved into the middle of the training room.

                After a little bit, we formed a moved called "Ino-Shika-Cho-Kru!" Asuma said that we would learn different variations of this teamwork transformation, but now we had to use the one we had successfully mastered to take three bells from. All of four of us lined up in a row, and took the stance. It started with Ino, who yelled Ino as she began her mind control jutsu. While she was getting it ready, Shikamaru used his Shadow Possession Jutsu so that Ino's attack would not miss. He caught Asuma-Sensei, and Asuma looked fairly surprised that Shikamaru had caught him. But once he did, Shikamaru yelled out "Shika!"

                Next was Choji, who used his Human Bolder Jutsu. He extanded his body and yelled out "Cho!" Before he took off rolling towards Asuma-Sensei. Once Choji was close enough, Shikamaru released his Shadow Possession Jutsu, since when Choji hit Sensei, it would hurt Shikamaru if he was still using his technique. I removed Watamote from my Jacket, and yelled out "Kru!" Before using Beast Human Clone, this caused Watamote to jump onto my back and turn into a perfect clone of me. My nails drew to more of those of a canines, and my canine teeth grew even sharper. I got down on all fours, and glanced over at Watamote before we took off running towards Asuma-Sensei. "Fang over fang!" I screamed, and both Watamote and I turned into spiraling balls that looked like rockets, and we attacked Asuma. At the moment that the attack was over, Ino returned to her body and I sat like a dog beside of Shikamaru and Choji, my dog like features still being very exaggerated at the moment.

You are such a drag (A Shikamaru Nara Fan Fiction) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now