Oh shit

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Kruno's POV

It had been one month since the kiss between Shikamaru and I, and I'm pretty sure everyone knew about it. Ino had been screaming it one day when we were walking down the streets, because she was pissed off at Shika and I for not wanting to go help her at her family shop. So she skipped down the streets of Konoha, yelling "SHIKAMARU NARA KISSED KRUNO INUZUKA AND THEY'RE IN LOOOVEE." About five times at the top of her lungs before I got mad, and hit her in the back of the head, causing her to fall forward.

Shikamaru and I were currently sitting with our squad, watching as Choji and Ino sparred with Asuma-sensei. We had already fought Asuma, and obviously won. When the two of us were put together to fight against someone, we typically always won.

He leaned against me, and nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck with a small chuckle, placing a small kiss against the skin of my neck. We were not dating, but we might as well have been. We were always together, holding hands, kissing, cuddling, anything you would do as a couple, we would probably be doing.

"Do you want to go get food later?" Shikamaru asked, and I nodded my head slightly.

"Sure." I said, and Shikamaru smiled, leaning up and gently pressing his lips against mine. I smiled into the kiss, and he placed his hand on my cheek, letting it cover our lips as Ino began to squeal like a small fan girl.

"I love you." He whispered, and I smiled.

"I love you too." I said, kissing him gently again. We pulled away from each other and stood up, walking over to our sensei as he called us over.

"Okay guys, so today we are going to go on a C-Rank mission. It's a real simple one, and it shouldn't take more than about two hours, okay?" He asked, and we all nodded in response.   Asuma-Sensei placed his hand on our head one by one, and ruffled our hair slightly. Ino groaned loudly, and Choji gave him a weird look, Shikamaru glared up at our sensei playfully, and I just shrugged as I looked over at Shika.

"I think this is going to be my new look." I said, pointing at my hair that was pointing out in at least twenty different directions. Ino looked at me like I was stupid, but the boys laughed. I smiled before smoothing down my mane as Shikamaru called it, before we started to get ready for our mission.


So, what Asuma had said about the mission only lasting about two hours, was completely false. Currently, it was five hours later, and we were lost. We were walking down the right path, when we were ambushed by a group of rogue ninja. We were suppose to be delivering medicine to a medic half way to Suna, a very simple mission, if it wasn't for the fucking rogue ninja.

We were sitting on the side of a creek at the moment, the dark slowly setting in. I huffed out a large breath as I walked over to a tree, focused the perfect amount of chakra to my feet and began to scale the tree until I was at the top. Once at the top, I began to look around for Konoha. Finally, I got a glimpse of it, but there is no way we would make it back before they lock the gates for the night. I sighed softly as I jumped down from the tree, causing my entire team to scream except Asuma. Once I was close enough to the ground, I placed chakra in my feet, landing perfectly on them fairly lightly.

You are such a drag (A Shikamaru Nara Fan Fiction) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now