The Ass-Kicking Type

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Third Person POV

Kruno smirked slightly as she heard the words begin, and she flipped up the opening of the pouch that was placed on her left thigh, and she pulled out a kunai. The rain nin carefully watched her every move, as he knew that she was strong due to their fight earlier in the week. Kruno glanced around the room, using her senses to figure out about how big the room was, and once she had the measurements down, she smirked at the nin and began to charge at him, her kunai held high in the air. Yamo simply smirked, and dodged the 'attack' as easily as Kruno had charged at him.

Kruno smirked slightly as she had her back turned to the nin, she quickly wrapped the invisible string to the end of the Kunai, and turned back to her opponent who was now running at her with his hands placed together, and he quickly began to make hand signs. Kruno stood in place, not moving, and this caused everyone around her to begin to worry. Shikamaru was on the edge of the bar, and so was Kiba. The rain nin smirked, and attacked Kruno with a water style Jutsu. But, just before he attacked her, she sent the kunai flying into the air.

Yamo smirked slightly as the girl fell to her knees, the attack being a fairly strong one. But, one thing that no one had taken into consideration is the fact that Watamote was not in the girls' jacket as she had been just moments ago. Yamo looked down at Kruno, and used his foot to kick her in the face. The kick sent her flying back into a wall, but as soon as her body hit the wall, she disappeared into a block of wood. Yamo began to look around the room furiously, because he had no idea when she had had the time to even perform a clone jutsu.

"Scared yet?" Kruno whispered in the nin's ear from behind him, before she used her foot to deliever a swift kick to his back. Yamo went flying forward, rolling around in a slight ball before he laid on the ground for a moment. The rain ninja then used his feet to push himself up, and he looked straight at Kruno, who had removed her small dog from her jacket, placing her on the ground. Watamote sniffed the air and began to growl as she remembered this man, the same man who had attacked her and Kruno earlier.

Kruno looked down at Watamote, who was looking back at her with her teeth bared. Kruno simply nodded her head and Watamote charged at the man. This seemed like a silly move, but it was all part of her plan. Her eyes quickly glanced at the kunai that she had thrown before she performed her Clone Jutsu and a small smile went on her lips as she saw that it had landed exactly where she wanted it. She performed a few hand signs before she dropped down on all fours and growled out the words.

"Four Legs Technique." This is when a blue chakra began to grow around her, and she began to look like an animal. Her nails grew out and she scrapped them along the ground slightly, and she gave the rain nin a smile when her canine teeth grew out larger. She gave him a snarl, and her nose crinkled up slightly. Strangely, from the stands, Shikamaru couldn't help but smile. She was really adorable when she crinkled up her nose...

Watamote growled at Yamo, and he rolled his eyes as he went to kick the pup to the side, but obviously Watamote was not having that. She bit down on his leg, and refused to let go until she saw that Kruno has finished setting up the attack she had been planning. Kruno had an invisible wire that ran between two kunais that were lodged into the wall on either side of the arena. This was caused Yamo to run into the wire, and the two paper bombs she had set up to explode. She made sure to put them in places that they could not cause real damage to anyone but her opponent, and also without ruining the exam area.

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