The Final Part Of The Exams

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Within the next month, Asuma trained us to the point of nearly passing out. We went on several mission, and all together had made a vast improvement as a team. We learned to work together, and became a nearly unstoppable group of Shinobi's.

Today, was different though. Shikamaru and I were not stuck up each other's asses, for the simple fact that Asuma wanted to train Shikamaru by himself, to improve his chances of winning the Chunin Exams. Frankly, it pissed me off because I was in the Exams too. But, I would not let it bother me.

Currently I was on the training field alone, not even Watamote was with me. I stood in front of the tree stump in front of me, and for the 110th time, I brought my leg up and kicked it as hard as I could, causing the dent in the tree to become slightly worse. "One Hundred and Ten!" I said, before I brought my leg up and hit the tree again. "One Hundred and Eleven!"

I went all the way up to 130 before stopped, realizing that if I went any further I might knock over the entire tree. I sighed softly and wiped the sweat off of my brow before turning and walking back to the field. I dropped down onto my hands in a push up position, and began to do pushups. With every ten I did, I would remove a finger. I got to one hundred and was doing the push ups with only one finger and my feet, sweat beads slowly falling off my face and onto the ground below me. Finally, I collapsed against the ground, letting out a long breath.

"Only 100, Kruno? You're getting soft brat." A voice from under the ground said, but I didn't jump. I just rolled my eyes and waited for the man to pull up from the ground. Slowly, a head came up from the ground, and I smiled. His yellow orbs of eyes stared into mine, and I blew out air again.

"Yes, only 100." I said, and if he could have he would have rolled his eyes at me.

"How you been, brat?"

"I've been okay! I have a boyfriend now, weird right?" I said chuckling, and he gave me a weird look.

"Well just tell him if he hurts you, I will fucking eat him."

I nodded my head, and rolled my eyes. "Will do, buddy." I said, reaching out and ruffling his hair slightly, causing him to growl at me.

"I have to go now, but I'll see you later, kiddo. Is there anything you want me to tell everyone else, brat?"

"Tell them that I miss all of them." I said, and he nodded before sinking back into the ground. I sighed heavily and pushed myself up before walking over to another tree stump, and began to punch it with all of my might, counting every time that my fist connected with the tree.


Nearly three hours later, I was finished training. I was covered in blood, and cuts, and I'm pretty sure part of my hand was broken. I sighed as I walked back into Konoha, getting odd stares from people. Not that I could blame them, I'm literally a bloody mess.

"Kruno, my lord, are you okay?" I turned around to see Asuma walking towards me. I nodded my head and looked down at my arms and legs.

"Training." was all I said before turning away. I was fairly pissed off at my sensei, and my boyfriend so I chose to ignore them.

"Kruno!" I heard Shikamaru's voice call out, but I continued walking. The exams were in tomorrow, and not once had anyone offered to train with me individually.

"Kruno, stop walking." He said, placing his hand on my shoulder, and I stopped in a huff, sighing out heavily.

"What do you want, Shikamaru?" I said, not looking back at him.

"For my girlfriend to pay attention to me when I'm talking to her."

I looked back at him, and crossed my arms over my chest. "You got my attention."

You are such a drag (A Shikamaru Nara Fan Fiction) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now