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Noah Narration:
Chief Elder:

The Chief Elder began, with Aruther grinning trying to stand patiently. The audience smiled softly.

"When the committee began to consider Asher assignment, there was some possibilities that were immediately discarded"

With a cheerful voice "in fact" smiling a little herself. "At the meeting where Aruther was discussed, we retold many of the stories that we remembered from his days of language acquisition."

"Especially the difference between smack and snack." Aruther shifting in his posture looking embarrassed.

As everyone laughed, even Amelia smiling. He couldn't help but feel uncomfortable, I never quite like the idea of it: thinking it was too unjustified.

The punishment used for small children was a regulated system of smacks with the discipline wand: a thin flexible weapon that stung painfully when it was wielded.

The childcare specialists were trained very carefully in the discipline methods: a quick smack across the hands for a bit of minor misbehavior; three sharper smacks on the bare legs for a second offense.

Poor Aruther, who always talked too fast and mixed up words, even as a toddler. As a three, eager for his juice and crackers at snack time. He said Smack instead of snack.

They all laughed correcting him, But the mistake had already been made and precision of language was one of the most important tasks of small children. Aruther asked for a smack so that's what he got.

The discipline wand, in the hand of the child care worker, as whistled as it came down across Aruther hands.

But the next morning he had done it again. And again the following week.

He couldn't seem to stop, though for each lapse the discipline wand came again, escalating to a series of painful lashes that left marks on Aruther legs.

Eventually for a period of time, Aruther stopped talking altogether. One time he couldn't even get out of bed for a week.

Just thinking about it sends shivers down my spine. It sounds so cruel but everyone acts like it normal and nothing wrong with it.

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