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"They were reminded of that ten years ago"

I didn't understand what mistake they made, they never made mistakes

"What happened ten years ago? Did you try to a train a successor and it failed?"

The giver smiled grimly  " When the new Receiver failed, the memories that she had received were released, they didn't come back to me"

He seemed to be struggling with the concept.
"I don't know exactly, they went to a place where memories once existed before Receivers were created. And then people had access to them, Apparently that's the way it was. Everyone had access to memories. It was chaos, they all suffered for a while. Finally it subsided as the memories were assimilated. But it certainly made them aware of how they need a Receiver to contain all that pain, and knowledge"

"But you have to suffer like that all the time" I pointed out"

"And you will, it's my life. And it will be yours" the giver said nodding

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