Not Assigned

7 3 0

Noah Narration:
(It's the beginning of summer so I took couple days off to spend with my family)

I was sitting in the chair marked nineteenth but the numbers continued in order.

Everyone was glancing at him even Amelia looked worried for me. The group leader also looked nervous.

I couldn't think what I did wrong?

The audience was clearly ill at ease, they applauded at the final assignment; but the applause was piecemeal, no longer a crescendo of United enthusiasm. There were murmurs of confusion.

As I moved my hands together, clapping but It was an automatic response that I wasn't even aware of.

My mind had completely shut off earlier emotions: the anticipation,excitement,pride and even the happy kinship with my friends.

Now I was only left with humiliation and terror

The Chief Elder waited until the uneasy applause subsided. Then spoke again

"I know that you are you concerned. That you feel I have made a mistake@

She smiled, the community relieved its discomfort very slightly by her statement. It was silent

"I have caused you anxiety, I apologize to my community" her voice flowed over the assembled crowd.

All saying in unison "We accept your apology"

"Noah" she said calling my name "I apologize to you particularly. I caused you anguish"

"I accept your apology" with a shaky voice

"Please come to the stage now"

Earlier that day, dressing in my own dwelling I had practiced the kind of jaunty, self assured walk that I hoped I could make to the stage but now I forgotten all about It.

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