Chapter 3

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Kenny puts down his guitar. "Anyway, yeah. That's it."

Butters claps enthusiastically for him, "That was good!"


Kenny sits awkwardly, hoping his friends would get here soon. He wasn't very good at being social without his group.

Stan and Kyle finally come in.

Kyle sets up his electric keyboard. "So, none of us are really great at writing and we've never had a band before, so I was thinking we each write down a song we like and we can do a cover for it."

Stan gets out some paper, "Amazing idea! And we could all sing our own songs, like karaoke with real instruments. Kenny will still be the main singer but we can all do our parts."

Stan writes something on the paper and hands it to Kenny. It says: 'Song ideas' in big bubble letters.

Stan wrote down 'You're gonna go far kid' under his name.

Kenny has to think for a moment, he writes 'Closer' and gives the paper to Kyle.

"Dude, can we sing that at school? They might get mad at us."

Kenny shrugs, "We'll see."


Butters raises his hand, "What song is it?"

"Kenny wrote down 'Closer'. It's a song about hardcore sex."

"Oh. I've never heard that."

"Of course you haven't. Also, where the fuck is Cartman? He's way late."

"Maybe he couldn't get his drum set out of his house. Should we go check on him?" Stan puts his instrument down.

Kyle stops him, "No, let that fatass be late. It's his own fault."

"If you insist."

Kyle prints out sheet music for the songs they wrote down. He gives the guitar parts to Kenny, and the bass parts to Stan, keeping his and Cartmans on his keyboard. "Let's try playing something."

They all plug their instruments into amps and begin to play their sheet music.

Butters covers his ears to shield them from the horrific sound coming from their instruments. They were mostly out of tune and the amps were overloaded. The only good sound was Kenny's guitar.

"Stop! Stop!" Butters puts his hands up, "You're killing my ears!"

Kenny turns around, "He's right, Stan you need to tune that guitar and Kyle you need to turn your amp down. We sound like a dying bird."

While they're fixing their sound, Cartman finally shows up with his drum set.

Kyle scowls, "Why the fuck are you so late?"

"My mom made a pie, it would be rude not to eat it."

"You're such a fatass, Cartman."

"Shut up, Jew."

Kenny grabs the song paper and gives it to Cartman. "We decided on being a cover band. Write down a song you want."

"At least Kenny is happy to see me."

Kenny was not happy to see him.

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