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"Eomma, why me?"

Hyunji whined at Lady shin.

"Dont be childish, hyunji"

"Eomma, grabbing blue roses isn't an easy job"

"Hyunji, dont you know we only uses blue rose for color and aroma while making soaps, go grab some"

Hyunji rolled her eyes, making lady shin laugh and she hugged her.

"Go now"

"Where are those blue roses?"
Hyunji said asked to herself as she checked the whole garden. There weren't any roses.

"What should i do?, Wait, blue roses are abundanly seen on the valleyside, lets go"

She said to herself as she started walking towards valley. Its been 20 minutes, hyunji was returning to the palace after getting so many blue roses.

While she was walking she heard footsteps, hyunji walked fastly as the footsteps got nearer. She started running and for her bad luck she stumbled and fell down. Once she looked up she saw two men dresses in black while holding some metal on their hands.

Soon one of them grabbed her by hair and stabbed her neck. Hyunji screamed in pain, as blood started oozing. The other one stabbed her stomach multiple times.

The men's grip on her hair removed as she fell down unconsciously, but her head got hit on a big rock. Hyunji's vision started getting black as her eyes closed.


"Next to get married will be, Seonghwa"
Ha Ri said as she sipped her coffee.

All prince's except Prince jimin, Princess Ha ri and enha were talking while having their coffee's.

"Noona please, i dont want to marry Mi So, i hate her"

Prince seonghwa said.

"Wait, are you dating someone?"

Prince seokjin asked.

"I think you guys should know about it now "

Prince seonghwa looked at enha and sunghoon as they both nodded.

"Me and hyunji are dating"

Prince seonghwa said making everyone smile.

"Everyone here is dating, i dont know when will i get my love "

Prince wooyoung pouted making everyone laugh loudly.


Prince jimin and his father was having a small conversation about their alliances, while a guard came up.

"Your majesty, we got a news"

Guard said and bowed.

"What is it?"
Prince jimin asked.

"We found out a dead body of a woman in the valley side and it belongs to Shin hyunji"

"Shin hyunji?, isnt she the daughter of lady shin?"

Prince jimin asked.

"Yes prince park"

"Oh my lord!"

Prince exclaimed.

"What is the cause of death?"

"She was stabbed multiple times on her neck and stomach"

Prince jimin looked down, he was unaware of seonghwa's relation, but he felt sad.

"Son, you can go now and tell this to others"

King said as prince jimin nodded and went to the others.

Prince jimin saw everyone in a very happy mood, he approached them.

"Greetings from my side to everyone"

Prince jimin said as everyone smiled.

"I got some news"

"What is it hyung?"
Prince jungkook asked.

"The dead body of woman was found on the valley side and it belongs to lady shin's daughter Shin Hyunji"

Prince jimin finished  talking as he saw everyone's shocked face.


Prince seonghwa screamed.

He started crying out loud, soon the prince's hugged  and comforted him.

"They were dating, jimin "

Ha ri said to prince jimin, making him even more sad.

Enha stood there like a statue not knowing what to do. Prince sunghoon hugged her as she cried.

"Hyun.. Hyunji she.. She is gone"
Enha said while crying.

"I saw her a couple of hours ago,i want her back joong"

Prince seonghwa was hugging prince hongjoong and sobbing hard.

Soon hyunji's body was ready for the funeral.
Prince seonghwa kissed the love of his life for a last time and he started crying hard. Everyone's heart sank while seeing this sight.

The sunshine of Aurora was in tears now.
Enha was trying her best not to cry, she was hugging lady shin.

"I was the one  reason for death"

Lady shin blamed her for her daughter's death.

After the funeral was finished everyone went inside the palace.
Enha and the prince's were in prince seonghwa's room. He was crying while murmering something. Enha covered her mouth.

Hyunji was like her sister. Enha cant believe hyunji is no more. After some hours Prince seonghwa fall asleep. While others decided to leave his room.

"Enha dont cry please, i cant see my you guys crying"

Prince  sunghoon said as he cupped her cheeks, enha nodded and went to her room.

It was already night, tears escaped her enha's eyes while remembering about their memories and silly conversations.

"I miss you hyunji-aah"

Next morning enha woke up, took shower and changed into fresh clothes, after that went to do her chores.

Enha was in the kitchen when she heard someone's loud screaming.
Enha  ran towards the direction and she heard crying sounds from Prince seonghwa's room.

No no no

Enha's steps slowed down, when she approached the room, she could hear the prince's crying from inside.Enha Gasped loudly when she looked inside the room.

The sight of Prince Seonghwa hanging there Lifelessly....


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