ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛy ᴛᴡᴏ

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"Do you think she will keep your trust?"

Prince hongjoong questioned.

"Yes, i saw the helplessness in her eyes, She really dont have any other options "

Enha said with a slight smile.

"Its upto you Enha, i respect your opinion"

Prince Smiled at her.

"And Enha, I have something to tell you"

"What is it?"

"Prince Kim, Princess Hong -"

It was Guard lin who came up. Hongjoong and enha didnt Waste a moment as they ran towards Mi so's room. Enha was getting the same feeling as when Prince seonghwa died.

Please it shouldnt be.

Once they both got into the room, Joshua was crying hard, Other prince's were standing there with a sad face.Stepping closer Enha saw Mi so lying there lifeless and also some dried roots next to her. She was poisoned.Enha cant help but cry.Prince Sunghoon embraced her.

Soon king approached them as he met the crying joshua.

"I-I was the one who forced her "

Joshua said as he caressed his dead sister's hands.

"Iam sorry for what happened, hong"



"Now you understood what i said earlier?"

Enha asked prince.

"Pl-please ki-ll me or my bad luck will destroy this pa-place".

Enha cried her lungs out, Tears made his way from Prince sunghoon's eyes.

"How can i kill you?, if death takes you away, i'll be there to hold your other hand"

"And I promise, our last breaths will be together"

Prince sunghoon cried hard. After some time of sharing each others sorrows and tears, they calmed down.

Little did they knew it was the calmness before the storm.


Next day, enha was on her towards Queen's room, but heard some sword noices from the other side of palace and she thought it must bethe sound from prince's training sessions.

"Your Highness"

Enha called out as she knocked on the door.
To her surprise the door was answered by Her prince. Prince hugged her as she do the same.

"Iam still here"

They heard Queen's voice.

"Greetings to you, Mother"

"I was about to correct yourself thinking you would call me 'your highness 'again"

Queen smiled at her.

"You scolded me last time, so i changed "

Enha stated making them laugh.

"And kids, iam thinking about telling the king about your relationship."

"What if he rejects it, mother?"

Enha asked as prince sunghoon patted her shoulder.

"He will allow it, but it will take some time, let's wait "

Queen Smiled and hugged both of them.They sat together as started talking about other stuffs. Somehow, it made enha feel better.

"Mother we'll leave now "

Prince sunghoon said as he grabbed enha's hands, she gave a confused look.

"See you later, dears"

They bowed and left the room.Sunghoon was still dragging her.

"Prince, where are you taking me?"

"To heaven"


"Are you trying to kill me?"

Prince laughed as enha looked at him weirdly.

Soon  both entered the hallway as they heard some screams.

"What is that?"

The screams and footsteps were getting nearer as they hide behind a pillar.

Enha saw some men dressed in black, a mask covering their face. Some had swords in their hands, some had bows and arrows, some had knives which was covered in Blood?


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