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     Stares when he walks through the door, whispers and giggles every time he's in sight. This is a normal day for Hwang Hyunjin.

     Hyunjin was walking through the hallways with his friend to his locker, seeing girls gawking at him from the corners of his eyes. He finally gets to his locker, and when he opens it, a pink piece of paper falls out and onto the floor.

     "Another confession?" His friend, Minho, asks as Hyunjin picks up the paper and takes a glance at it. He turns around to see a girl peeking out from behind a wall, and she hides when their eyes meet. Hyunjin sighs, folding the piece of paper and stuffing it in his pocket.

     Hyunjin had been getting confessions since high school because of his looks. First day of college and it's already starting again.

     "Yeah." He answers. Hyunjin takes what he needs out of his locker and shuts it, but when he turns around, he bumps into somebody. 

     "Hey, please watch where you're going." One of the boys says in a calm voice, he was holding another boy by the shoulders. The boy that was being held by his shoulders knelt down and Hyunjin thought he was just going to pick up his books. But instead, he was on the ground, feeling around the floor like he didn't know where his items were.

     Hyunjin kneeled beside the boy and picked up his books, the boy that was standing up helped the other to their feet as well. Hyunjin extended his arm that had the other boy's books in it, and one of the boys spoke. "He's holding out your books." The boy says. Hyunjin was confused on why he had to be told what was happening, but he didn't question it. The other boy slowly reaches his hands out and moves them around until his fingertips touch the notebooks.

     "Ah, thank you." The boy says after he grabs his books. Hyunjin was surprised at the boy's voice, it was calm and sweet, but it was way deeper than Hyunjin had expected it to be.

     "So, what's your name?" Hyunjin asks, and the two boys looked a bit surprised.

     "I'm Jisung." The first boy says and nudges the other boy's shoulder. The boy that Hyunjin bumped into finally spoke.

     "I'm Felix." He answers softly.

     "And your friend?" Jisung asks, pointing to Minho who's just watching everything that's going on.

     "Minho." He says, shaking Jisung's hand.

     "Oh, by the way, Felix." Hyunjin says, seeing as Felix's eyebrows lift a bit as a sign for him to continue. "I love your eyes." He speaks. The boy freezes, and Jisung grabs him by the shoulders again and leads him to Hyunjin and Minho's first bell.

     Hyunjin and Minho exchange a look, but they just shrug it off and walk over to their first bell. When Hyunjin walks into class, the empty seat next to him was now filled with the boy he bumped into in the hall. "Hello again." Hyunjin smiles when he walks up to his seat.

     Felix looked confused for a moment, but then his eyes grow a bit wide, and he smiles, "Hello." He says. Hyunjin sits down beside the boy, but then the teacher calls him up. "Come on up and introduce yourself." He speaks. He claps, and the class silences. 

     "Okay guys, I'm Mr. Christopher, and I have a student that I want to introduce himself before you all do." He says, and everyone's eyes immediately shifted to Felix.

     "Hello." Felix smiles, waving and then intertwining his fingers in front of him once again. "My name is Lee Felix, I'm 17, and... I'm blind." He stops, waiting to hear something. He hears a couple of gasps and whispers, but then the teacher speaks.

     "Please let him finish." He says.

     "Although I may not be able to see anything, please don't restrict me on that. I hope to become friends with you all." Felix smiles once more and bows slightly, walking back to his seat beside Hyunjin, occasionally feeling around the desks to know where he's going.

     After Felix, the rest of the class introduces themselves to everyone.

     When Mr. Christopher started teaching, Hyunjin turned around towards Felix, "Felix." He whispers. Felix jumps a little, but then he calms down. 

     "Ah... Hyunjin please warn me before you speak." Felix says, and when he doesn't get an answer, he assumes Hyunjin is too nervous to speak again, so he does. "Since I don't have my eyesight, my hearing is more advanced than others, like way more. The doctors said my hearing shouldn't be this good, so even the pop of a balloon could hurt my ears."

     "Oh... well can I ask you a question?" Hyunjin asks, and Felix nods. "I don't mean to be rude, but If you couldn't see me in the hallway, how did you recognize me when I said hi to you this morning?" Hyunjin asks, and Felix makes an 'oh' sound before answering.

     "It's simple really, I just recognized your voice." He smiles, before saying something else. "Maybe we can come up with a signal to let me know when you're about to speak to me." Felix suggests, and Hyunjin agrees.

     "How about we do this?" Hyunjin starts, "Can you give me your hand." He asks, and Felix lifts his hand, Hyunjin grabs it and turns it, so his palm is facing up. "I can take two fingers, and tap the middle of your palm twice," Hyunjin says, lightly tapping Felix's hand with his pointer and middle finger, "like that." He finishes.

     Felix nods in approval, and when Hyunjin looked up from Felix's hand, he noticed how beautiful the boy was. He was wearing a big white sweatshirt with white jean shorts, long white socks with white sneakers. His hair was a blonde/gray color, and it came down, stopping at the middle of the neck. His eyes are round, and his pupil and iris are white and gray. He honestly looks like... an angel.

     When Felix doesn't hear anything from Hyunjin, he assumes the boy didn't hear him. "Hyunjin?" He whispers. There was silence, and then an answer.

     "...Yeah?" Hyunjin replies, looking up from Felix's hand.

     "Class is over we should head out." Felix says, and Hyunjin agrees. As they get up, Mr. Christopher waves them over.

     "The teacher is calling us over." Hyunjin says, he softly grabs Felix's hand, leading him over to the front of the class. "What's up Mr. Chris?" Hyunjin asks, as the teacher who's actually only 21 years old, turns around to face them.

     "I see you've gotten to know Felix pretty well." He says. The two dimples on his cheeks popping up when he smiles. Felix also shows a small smile. "Anyways, to get to the point. Would you two like a job opportunity?" Felix and Hyunjin's eyes widen, and their reaction makes Mr. Chris smile.

     "Well, I've heard you sing before, Hyunjin. And Felix, I've told my husband about your voice, and he really thinks you could have potential." Chris explains. The two boys pause, eyes wider than before. Husband?

     You ever had that one teacher that doesn't look gay but then he or she starts talking about their husband or wife. "Ah... okay who's your husband?" Felix asks politely, and the answer left them in shock once again.

     "Kim Seungmin." He answers so nonchalantly that it leaves the two baffled.

     "Kim Seungmin. THE Kim Seungmin." Hyunjin exclaims, and Mr. Chris nods with a small smile on his face. Kim Seungmin was the most popular singer in almost all of Korea. And apparently, he's married to a college professor. 

     "There's no way, I don't believe you!" Felix says, excitedly. And Mr. Chris keeps his calm demeanor while answering.

     "Don't worry, he's coming here tomorrow for class in the morning because he wants to meet you two."

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