Chapter 31

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"Baby!" I dropped what I was doing and ran upstairs.
"Idris!" I made it to the room.

"What is it?" She sat in the bed with her

"I need something."


"Can you get the baby bag for me? I want to make sure everything is in there."

"Okay." I handed it to her and she looked through it.
"Are you excited, babe?"

"Definitely, I am so ready to meet her. She's already almost two weeks late."

"I know, but she'll come when she's ready."

"Yeah. I just need her to hurry up." We laughed. "Can you go get Toya for me?"

"Sure." I got up and went to LaToya's room. Knocking on the door, I slowly opened it. She was laying down and watching tv.

"Hey, Idris."

"Hey. How you doing?" She coughed a little.

"As good as could be expected. What's up?"

"Janet, wanted me to come get you."

"Okay." She got up and made her way down the hall. When she got there Janet had her close the door. I was a little suspicious.

"Hey, Dunk."

"Hey. Come sit with me."

"What's up?"

"I want us to just sit together. We haven't done that enough."

"Okay." She came onto the bed and I laid on her shoulder. She wrapped her arm around me.

"I'm going to miss you so much. I don't know what I'm going to do without you."

"I know. I don't want to leave either but I have to. It's the way of life."

"Yeah. It's just not fair. We finally got back to a good place and now you're leaving me."

"I know, honey but sometimes that's the way of life." Her breath was shaky. "I don't want this either but life happens."

"Then why won't you fight it?"

"Because this is my karma. This is the energy that I've been owed. All the lies and the actions I've done over the years have caught up with me. I have no choice but to stand in it." I looked up at her.

"But what if this is God's way of telling you to fight for yourself. You've never fought for yourself."

"I am. I am fighting for my soul. I want to be able to see heaven." She let out a breath. "I want to see Mike. I know he's there."


"I miss him, Jan. No one else really understood me like he did. I was able to talk to him about anything."

"I know what you mean. I talked to him all the time too." I felt her shiver and pulled the covers over her.
"Here. Is that better?" She nodded.

"Janet, I want to say something to you." I sat up and looked at her. "I know I've told you this before but I love you so much. You are an amazing sister and I'm so proud of what you've done in life."

"I love you too, Toy." She struggled to take some deep breaths.

"When I die, I want you to stay strong. I want you to remember that I am happy with this outcome. All the blessings that come your way after I'm gone, I want you to take them. Don't avoid any of the good things. Enjoy the good times. Be happy. You've earned it. Do you understand?" I nodded. "Good." I laid back on her shoulder and closed my eyes. I really wished she wouldn't be leaving me, but she was content and happy. I had to find a way to be too.

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