Chapter 3

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I opened the front door and walked towards the living room. "Mother! Are you in here?!"

"Yes!" I continued to the living room and found my mother sitting on the couch with Eissa. I insistently stopped.

"Mother, why is Eissa here?"

"Wissam dropped him off with the housekeeper. When I got back, he was here." I ran my hand through my hair and pulled out my phone. I tried to call Wissam twice with no answer. On the third attempt, he answered.

"Yes, Janet." He answered annoyed.

"Why did you drop Eissa off when you're supposed to have him for the rest of the week?"

"I've had him for three days. I deserve a break."

"Wissam, you only see him every other week. Why can't you carve out more time for him?"

"Janet, please stop with the dramatics. You're sounding irrational."

"I'm irrational? But you can't take four days off for your son. Wow."

"I'll get him again. Calm down."

"When will that be?"

"I don't know. Keep your schedule open."

"Wissam, I work too. I can't jus....." He hung up. "Oh my goodness." I put my phone away and sat down on the couch.

"Breathe." I took slow deep breaths.

"I'm good. He just...ughh....he angers me so."

"I know. I only tolerate him because he gave us Eissa."
I looked at my baby in her lap. He's recently become very fascinated by hands, so he was playing with mother's fingers. I smiled at him.

"Hi, my Eisses. Hello." I tickled his neck. He laughed and reached for me. I grabbed him and kissed his face as he laughed.

While kissing him, I smelled something on his mouth. "Mother, did you give my baby pie?"

"Maybe. He talked me into it." I looked at her.

"He's one. He can't talk."

"To you. He can't talk to you. We communicate on a whole other level. Don't we Eissa." She tickled his neck and he giggled. "See, you wouldn't understand." I shook my head.

"As long as it was just the filling."

"Of course. My baby boo can't chew the crust." I watched the interaction with Eissa and it made me smile. I was in a great mood today. Mostly because of my baby but also because of my night last night. I laid my head back and thought about it. "Janet, don't be thinking about sex while my baby is on your lap." I lifted my head and looked at her.


"Don't give me that. I know you and I know your nasty mind. You and the mystery man had y'all nasty moments last night." I smirked. "Exactly."

"That doesn't mean I was thinking about it."

"Lie to me again, Damita."

"Maybe a little."

"Now, was that so hard.?" I rolled my eyes. "Roll then again and I'll snatch them out." I laughed. "Anyway, when am I going to meet him?"


"The guy you think you're hiding."

"Why does everyone want to meet him?"

"Maybe because it's been two years and you're always smiling and happy. We want to know who it is making you like this?"

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