Chapter 8

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The looks on my family's faces was hilarious. When he walked in and stood in front of the table, he was met with dropped jaws and big eyes. No one knew what to say. All except mother, of course. "Janet." said LaToya.

"When...when?" said Tito.

"Like I said, two years."

"You''re..." said Rebbie.

"Yes. I am." He went to mother. "Mrs. Jackson, hello. I've been told to call you Mama Kat. Seeing as how I will one day father the grandkid you asked for, I feel that's appropriate." Mother stood up.

"Of course." She hugged him. "It's lovely to finally meet you Idris." He kissed her cheek. 

"Lovely to meet you too." He turned to my siblings. He went to Rebbie first. "Hello, Rebbie. I've heard a lot about you." He kissed her hand.

"T-thank you." She grinned.

"LaToya, I am a big fan. You do such excellent philanthropy work." He hugged her. LaToya giggled.

"Janet, you're dating Idris Elba." He walked back over to me and I leaned on his chest as he hugged me.

"I know and he's amazing." He kissed my forehead. He pulled my seat out and I sat down before he sat next to me. The waitress came and served us the drinks.
"Thank you." She left.

"So this was the guy Jack...uhh." Tito started talking but Jackie hit him.

"Shut up."

"What's he talking about?" I asked.

"He saw you....oh." Jackie hit Marlon.

"Saw me what?"

"He saw you having sex when they were over for breakfast that day." said Mother.

"Mother!" said Jackie.

"What?! Hush now."

"You saw the two of us having sex?" I started laughing.
"That's hilarious." Idris and I laughed.

"Why?" asked Jackie.

"Because we were really going in that day. You really saw something." We all laughed.

"Hey! It's not funny." said Jackie.

"Yes, it is." The laughter died down.

"Anyway. Idris, what are your intentions with my baby?" asked Mother.

"Well, this woman right here is everything. She's the very light I needed in my life. So we're going as far as God will let us. Right, baby?"

"Right." I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Short and perfect." said Rebbie.

"I know." He rubbed his nose against mine. I pecked his lips a few times.

"Awww look at them." said LaToya.

"They're cute." said Rebbie.


"Wait, what?"

"Yep. Dunk here used to run out of the house naked as the day she was born. All in the front yard just showing her behind." Everyone laughed.

"She was so cute though." said Rebbie. My family had been telling Idris stories about me and us so that he could get closer to them.

"That's not so embarrassing. When my daughter was little she used to snatch her diaper off in front of company." said Idris.

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