Chapter 6:Can I please leave?

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==The next day==

You wake up in a cell you were assigned to stay in for the time being. It was just you, the toilet, a bed, window and table. It wasn't much but hey it could be worse.

Y/n:"Why do I feel like I'll regret thinking that?"

MTF:"D-79,869! Get out of your cell!"

One of the many MTF in the site shouts.

Y/n:"I told you shouting isn't good for your decreasing hairline Greg!"

You shout back.

You have been in this new place for about 4 days now. For those four days you were basically a janitor. Cleaning offices, wiping the many windows in this place and etc. It's boring and I don't get paid but what other choice do I have, Get shot?

Y/n:"I hate wearing these things"

You say adjusting your glasses. You aren't wearing them because you have developed bad vision. Quite the contrary actually. You're eye sight has become so good that you can see at far distances and everything tends to get hella bright. So you wear these glasses inorder to reduce the light until your new eyes get used to this. You have better smelling and can hear better aswell.

You walk out of your cell and are face to face with the soldier. He starts escorting you through the halls making sure you don't do anything weird. This was the first time that they had called you out since you came here.

Y/n:"How are the wife and kids doing?"

MTF:"None of your business D-class"

Y/n:"Oh come on Greg. Aren't we friends now?"

MTF:"We have never been friends. Now get in"

He gestures to a door and you do as told. Once you step in however there are alot of your fellow D-class in there.

Y/n:"Wow. This is alot of people...... I hate it"


You hear someone shouting and you turn to face said person. It was a woman in the D-class uniform and she was staring at you.

Y/n:"Oh hello"

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Y/n:"Oh hello"

You say with a small wave. The D-class walks up to you and she stares at you as if she was trying to inspect. You could see her number like the rest of the D-class and it was D-500.

D-500:"I've never seen you before. Are you new?"

Y/n:"Not too new. I've been with those guys for about 5 days now"

D-500:"Strange I didn't see you once though. You don't look like the type to belong here. So what did you do? Sell drugs or accidentally murder someone?"

You stare at her confused. It's better you avoid her in the future.

Y/n:"Um neither... My friend has this ability to pull things out of pictures and I saw her so that's how I ended up here"

I used to be normal(Male reader x SCP)Where stories live. Discover now