Chapter 9: SCP XXXX makes another friend

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You are sitting down on a metal chair while your hands were restrained in said chair. After you had defeated Able you were quickly subdued by the MTF. You would have fought back but they shot you with alot of tranquilizers and now you assume you are about to get interrogated.

The only door opens and a researcher walks in. You stare at the man who sits in front of you.

Researcher:"I'm sick of doing these things"

The researcher takes out a recorder and he start to record what will be your conversation. As a swarm of butterflies fly around him.

Dr Kondraki:"Names Benjamin Kondraki. Normally I'm not supposed to tell you my name but it's whatever. I'll scratch it out or something. So from what I've heard you were the one who stopped SCP 076-2, is that correct?"

You don't respond. You look away from him. You are starting to get sick of these researchers.

Dr Kondraki:"Not much of a talker. You'll talk eventually. D-79,869, the reason you were brought here is because of our members incompetence. I'm sure alot of people have told you. If you cooperate you'll get out well I'll be honest with you. You aren't getting out of here"

Y/n:"Why are you telling me this?"

Dr Kondraki:"Didn't take too long for you to start talking. Well it's because you look like a good kid and you haven't tried anything aggressive up until now. So care to tell your name?"


Dr Kondraki:"No last name?"

Y/n:"I grew up as an orphan. I never knew who my parents were"

Dr Kondraki:"That is unfortunate"

Y/n:"What's with the butterflies?"

Dr Kondraki:"These are my friends"


Dr Kondraki:"Aren't you gonna ask any questions?"

Y/n:"No. I've seen weirder stuff"

Dr Kondraki:"Well. It's about time I actually started recording"

Y/n:"You weren't recording any of the things we talked about?"

Dr Kondraki presses record.

Dr Kondraki:"No. I was just curious about where you came from since there wasn't any information about you. Which orphanage did you go to?"

Y/n:"It's called Jubilee youths. It had alot of good people and it's still in commission"

Dr Kondraki:"Were there any kids like you in that orphanage?"

Y/n:"I don't know. I hadn't socialized with that many kids since I preferred staying by myself though I heard there was a kid who could lift a car"

Dr Kondraki:"Interesting. Now onto you"

He slides a picture and it was of you. Well fully infected you.

Dr Kondraki:"Did you have any knowledge you could do what you did?"

You shake your head.

Y/n:"First time I did it. I didn't even know something like that existed within me"

Dr Kondraki:"So you have no idea how to do it again"

You chuckle. You then raise your hand staring into your palm. Your hand starts turning pitch black and your nails started growing becoming sharper until they stop at half an inch.

Y/n:"I didn't know I could do it but that doesn't mean I still don't know. I'm getting bored of answering all of these questions Doc"

Dr Kondraki:"Very well we'll proceed tomorrow"

I used to be normal(Male reader x SCP)Where stories live. Discover now