Chapter 11: An old friend.

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(Sorry for the late update. I just started playing monster hunter and I'm hooked but sorry again and here's a new chapter and don't wait too long for more)

You are sleeping on a hammock in your containment chamber with earphones in you ears. You had gotten a couple new things due to your good behavior like the hammock, an mp3, some action books and you have this voice in your head telling you to do questionable things. You know the usual.

Y/n:"You could travel the world~But nothing comes close, To the golden coast~Once you party with us
You'll be falling in love~Ooh oh ooh oh oh ooh Cali-"

Kondraki:"Nice voice"

Y/n:"Oh shit!"

You fall off your hammock and you land face first onto the cold floor. You raise your head and stare at Kondraki who was smiling.

Y/n:"How much did you hear?"

Kondraki:"3 songs in total and i assume you didn't have any intention on stopping"

Y/n:"Let's pretend you didn't hear anything, alright?"

Kondraki:"I think I'll pass"

Kondraki turns around.

Kondraki:"Come on follow me"

You do as told and the two of you walk through the halls.

Y/n:"So where are we going?"

Kondraki:"Well I want you to meet someone. He and I get along well and he needs someone like you to help him"

Y/n:"Is it a talking dog?"

Kondraki:"No and he was busy at the moment so you'll meet him another day"

You smile at the thought of interacting with a talking dog. You just imagine seeing him in a MTF or lab coat. Tht would be so awesome.

Y/n:"Alright so what does he want me to help him with?"

Kondraki:"Ask him yourself"

He opens a door and you instantly hear someone complaining.

???:"What do you mean I can't make a tournament using the SCP?! Don't you know how dangerously fun that would be?"

Kondraki:"That doesn't sound like a bad idea"

???:You hear that?! Ben agrees with me!...... Hello? Gears? You there?.... Hello?"

You look over Kondraki's shoulder and your eyes go wide.



The two of you stare at each other with a mixture of different emotions specifically confusion and happiness.

Kondraki:"Wait, You two know each other?!"

Bright:"Of course we do! Y/n here is my neighbor and best friend outside of work. He's cool for someone his age"

Y/n:"Yep and how've you been?"

Bright:"Good. Wait what are you doing here?"

Y/n:"Oh right"

You raise your thumb and point it at yourself.

Y/n:"I'm SCP 7403"

Bright:"You are?!"

Bright shouts in surprise. In his opinion you would be the last person he'd suspect of being an anomaly.

Bright:"I'm sorry this had to happen to you, Y/n I really am..... But~ is it true that you managed to defeat Able by yourself?"

I used to be normal(Male reader x SCP)Where stories live. Discover now