Chapter 21: New powers suck!

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|~With You~|

You lean against a tree a good distance away from where you were originally.

Y/n:'What is wrong with me?'

You ask yourself looking at your hand which quickly switches into a talon then a paw and into various more arms in quick succession until it goes back to normal.

Y/n:'And when I thought I couldn't get any weirder'

You start moving once again but everything was spinning, Your head is all over the place and you can't focus that well in the end your back hits a different tree and you sit down.

Y/n:"Just a few minutes of sleep"


Eve barks running towards you, You pat her head and you could feel yourself slipping out of consciousness. She sits on your laps as you do so.

Y/n:"You're so soft, Eve. I might mistake you for a pillow"

You say placing your head on her back. Footsteps start to travel in your direction but you could care less, You started to count each step the same way you would count sheep and before you knew it. You were out cold.

And probably drooling.


"How could you betray your own family for these worthless mortals?!"

A deep voice bellows generating shockwaves all around.

???:"I didn't betray you, You were going against our original plans and had to be stopped"

"How was I going against the plan, was it because I was going to start the fight on earth?"

???:"That is true, I cannot afford to let you hurt the mortals who have nothing to do with our battle"

"Is this what all of you think?"

The deep voice asks turning to multiple figures whose faces were not visible.

"It seems like you don't understand the concept of war. Whenever a battle takes place, lives are bound to be lost. If you can't understand that then I have no need to follow through with this alliance"

???:"Wait brother!"


Your eyes snap open and you jolt up with tiredness still evident on your face, You look around confused as to where you are.

Y/n:"Am I back at the foundation?"

You ask yourself looking at the white walls but before any other theories could form. A familiar face approaches.


Alison:"Good to see you're alright Y/n. I was beginning to worry you wouldn't wake up for another week?"

Y/n:"W-wait? How long was I out for?"

You ask shaking off the remaining tiredness.

Alison:"You've been out for half a day but with the state you were in I assumed you would be out for awhile"

Y/n:"What state was I in?"

Alison answers your question by taking out a few pictures. You look at the pictures and you are confused, the first is a picture of a forest half on fire and half frozen, The second is of a pile of black smoke surrounding a black wolf concentrated on one area seeming immobile and finally the third which were hands rising from the ground and they seemed to be moving.

You look at Alison completely confused.

Alison:"You were doing all of that while you were asleep"

Y/n:"I was?"

I used to be normal(Male reader x SCP)Where stories live. Discover now