Chapter 25: Eel-tempered

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===Ready for your first underwater fight?===

SCP 3000:Anantashesha. Lengths is around 900km.

You stare at the massive eel in awe as it stares back at you, The two of you are locked onto each other waiting for what the other would do. Suddenly your eyes turn milky white and you start feeling an unknown power trying to take over your mind.

A tendril emerges from your hand and starts to slowly move towards your neck while 3000 watches in silence. The tendril moves fast but you shift your neck at the last second and manage to only get grazed by the attack.

Y/n:'This bastard!'

You think as your tendril retracts while 6 tentacles emerge from your back, You push yourself forward like an octopus then you wrap your body into a hardened sphere using the tentacles, 3000 shows visible shock then you collide with it's snout whipping it's head back as it let's out a roar of pain, The roar pushes you back and you unwrap yourself stopping your movements by sticking your tentacles into it's body, This time it growls in frustration, It starts to swim off pulling you with it.

Y/n:'Not so fast!'

Your tentacles start to generate heats that reach 100⁰c. 3000 roars once again but you hold your own this time, Then using part of your strength you pull your entire body onto it's body which was now melting hot thanks to your tentacles. You raise your hand up high but just then a black liquid comes out from the part you are standing on and that same forceful power surfaces.

You grip your head in pain trying to regain control giving Anantashesha the chance to throw you off, Then it whips it's lower body in your direction sending you flying like a torpedo into a wall, You scream in pain but only gurgles come out as water fills your lungs. You start to feel a sense of desperation as the oxygen in your body leaves you.

You push yourself off the wall further cracking it as you swim off at record breaking speeds, You swim faster and faster then you start to sense Anantashesha inching closer and closer aswell, You raise your hand towards the light.


Anantashesha bites down on your lower body which causes you to scream in pain once again, Filling your lungs with more water accompanied by that painful and unyielding mind bender. Overwhelmed by everything that has gone on until now. You quickly lose consciousness as Anantashesha swallows the rest of your body.


"Do you really think you can best me with such petty tricks, Atanti?"

A voice asks then a massive hail storm occurs suddenly. Piercing holes into the injured 682.

682:"Damn you, How could you agree to work with those bastards!? You and I were supposed to destroy this entire universe!"

A shadowy figure stares at 682 with displeased expression.

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