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After the whole cupcake debacle we all decided to go back to our dorm.

"Spill it!" Min ho said as we all walked into the dorm. Min Ho started taking his shoes off.

"When did you get with Yuri? And where? And how far?" Min Ho asked

"And most importantly, why?" i asked

Dae walked to the fridge and grabbed water and sat down at the breakfast counter which is connected to the small island we have.

"Dae you little scammer" Min Ho said sitting down next to him. Q stood next to Min Ho, Chana next to me as I leaned on the counter.

"How did you convince Yuri to buy you that suit?" Chana asked

"How do you know I didn't buy it?" Dae asked and we all made faces

"Kika buys all of her wardrobe" Dae pointed out and I nodded. Fair point

"Because it costs 5k" Min Ho said causing Dae to spit out his water

"Seriously?" Dae asked

"I don't know. I feel kinda bad for kitty" Q said

"I dont" Min Ho said

"That's cold Min" I said walking to stand next to Q.

"I mean breaking up with someone like that is brutal" Q said

"Except it wasn't a breakup because it wasn't a real relationship" Min Ho said

"Seemed pretty real to me, the look on her face when Yuri came up broke my heart" I said

"No ones gonna blame you for upgrading you for upgrading a pen pal for a girlfriend" Min Ho said and we heard a girly shout. Coming from Dae's room

"Marius?" Q asked as he slowly walked closer to the door

We all stood and walked to the door
"I thought Marius went back to Greece" I asked

"Maybe he changed his mind" Chana said

"Hmm" Min Ho pushed past all of us and opened the door.

"Oy, marius wake up! Time for class!" Min Ho said and grabbed the blanket pulling it down.

Whoever was under there was putting up a fight.

"A little help" Min Ho said and we all pulled, revealing Kitty.

Causing all of us to scream. The boys ran out to the living room, Chana and i close behind

"Why is she here" Chana asked

"Dae's crazy ex pen pal broke into our dorm to murder us" Min Ho said

Kitty walked out holding her forms

"This is my room," Kitty said, laying it down on the coffee table.

Q picked it up and read it "your listed as Song Covey"

"So?" Kitty asked

"Song can be a guy's name. That's why they assigned you to a guys dorm"

"What?" Kitty asked

"It's not CO-ED?" Kitty asked and i shook my head

"Then how do you live here" She motioned to me and Chana

"Overcrowding, figured since dae and I are related nothing would go down" I said and Min Ho grabbed the paper

"She did this on purpose. To be closer to Dae and me" Min Ho said

"Not you" Chana and I said at the same time.

"Okay" Q sighed

"I told you lot, she was hitting on me on the plane ride over" Min Ho said

"I was not hitting on you" Kitty said

"Kitty, can we please talk?" Dae said and we all looked at each other

"No i never wanna speak to you again" Kitty said and turned to walk away

"Kitty" Dae walked after her

"I want my necklace back" Kitty said turning to him

"Your necklace?" Dae asked

"Yeah, the one I gave you when your mom died," Kitty said and I inhaled. Min Ho looked at me and I bit my lip and shook my head.

When our mom died it hit both of us pretty hard, but especially our dad.

"Yeah, i have it around here, somewhere" Dae said

"Somewhere?" Kitty asked

"I'll find it" Dae said and kitty nodded

"You don't even know where it is. Dae, that belonged to my mom" Kitty said

"I'll bring it back to you kitty, i promise" Dae said

"Your promises are literally worthless" Kitty said and turned, walked into the room and slammed the door, locking it.

"All of Dae's stuff is in the room. Where's he going to sleep?" Min Ho asked.

The door for Dae's room opened and kitty threw a pillow at Dae's face and I stifled a laugh and Dae looked at me.

"What it was perfect" I said and Chana and I walked to our room to get in our pajamas.

XO 키카- XO Kika- XO kitty FFWhere stories live. Discover now