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After what Min Ho showed us we had to get Kitty and Q

We all walked in and Dae said "we need to show you something"

We all walked out and Min Ho pulled up the website, that had a livestream of Kitty sleeping

"What?! My roommate put me on some weird website while I was sleeping?" Kitty shrieked

"My god" chana said

"I don't see the appeal" Min Ho said as I laid my arm on his shoulder and rested my head on my hand.

"Yet you somehow found the sight" Q said

"I didn't know you were into this Minny" i said and Q and i high fived

Dae shut the laptop

"Kitty you should move, you can't live with that girl anymore" dae said

"Yeah, I agree with Dae. this is kind of sketchy" Q said

"Okay, I tried to move. There are no other rooms" Kitty said and I looked at Chana who looked hopeful and I shook my head.

"Uh, how about a hotel? My driver could take you right now" Min Ho said

"I can't afford that for an entire semester" Kitty said

"I'm sure dae can hook you up with a discount at Han Hotels" Min Ho said and I smacked the back off his head.

"Shush the grownups are talking" I said 

"All right. Just trying to help" Min Ho said

"Okay Q and i have an idea" Chana said

"Kitty should live here" Q said

"With who? Dae?" Min Ho asked

"No!" Dae and Kitty said at the same time

"No we go Co ed on the rooms" Chana said "that way everyone has to deal with it"

"What would that entail" I asked

"Okay well Q and Kitty could room together in his current room and then us two split. Min Ho moves into our room because of the bigger closet and I move in with Dae" Chana said and I made a face at her.

"I mean what do you guys think?" Q asked

"Do we even get a say?" I asked

"No" Q smiled and i sighed

"Let's do it" I gave up

XO 키카- XO Kika- XO kitty FFWhere stories live. Discover now