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Chana and i were sitting in the back of the room, when kitty slide in the room just as the bell rang

"Congrats Kitty" Professor Finnerty said "right on time"

"Thank you" Kitty said out of breath "i'm starting to figure this place out"

She turned and sat next to Min Ho, who was sitting at the table in front of us.

Min Ho looked at her and they both sighed heavily. Obviously she didn't realize who he was. She looked behind her and I waved my pencil slightly.

"Can you please just get out of my life?" Min Ho asked

"Trust me, i don't wanna be next to you either" Kitty said and i bit my lip in anticipation.

Chana started quietly changing "fight fight" so only I could hear and we both laughed.

"You need to go home" Min Ho said "dae has made his position clear, the longer you stay the more pathetic you look"

I leaned forward slightly

"Minny be nice" i said in korean

"No pimply face playboy tells me about my relationship" Kitty said

"I haven't had a blocked pore in four years" Min Ho said and I sighed and slightly banged my head on the desk
"Oh well it looks like ones coming in right here" Kitty said, and started pointing to something on Min Ho's face and he smacked her away.

"Are you supposed to be in this class" Min Ho said and Kitty nodded, as i lifted my head up

"Professor Finnerty, i want a new lab partner" Min Ho said "Portland Stalker is in remedial classes"

"As were you before Kika tutored you" Chana said in korean

"No" Finnerty shook his head and I snorted, causing Min Ho to look at me.

"That's not true, and don't you dare call me that name again" Kitty said

"You mean 'portland stalker'?" Min Ho asked "that's the unfortunate thing about nicknames. They tend o stick"

"I suppose that's true.." Kitty said and Chana looked at me and then kitty "poopy baby"

And I cringed slightly. The video. Dang it Dae.

"What did you just call me?" Min Ho asked

"You heard me," Kitty said and started humming the song in the video. People started looking at Min Ho.

"Its him" Kitty said and motioned to Min Ho

"Kitty!" Chana and I said as everyone started laughing

"Okay okay that's fine. Everybody can pick their own lab partners but quickly" Finnerty said "chemistry doesn't do itself"

Kitty stood up and moved next to Q. eunice walked over and sat next to Min Ho and she smiled creepily at Min HO

"Chan switch me," Min Ho said, gathering his things. Chana moved up front

"No" I whined and Chana winked at me.

I looked up and saw Kitty sit next to Florain, Q's crush. Within minutes Florian moved to sit next to Q.

I laughed as did Chana.

"She's got a skill" I whispered.

"And what skill is that?" Min Ho asked

"Why are you so mean to her" I asked

"Because she's not you. I mean to Chana too"

"I can attest to that fact" Chana leaned back "your an asshole"
"Takes one to know one" Min Ho said and I laughed and shook my head.

"You both think you're funny" I said, clicking my pen open.

"Oh, I'm adorable" Min Ho said and I smiled and shook my head.

Chana gave me a "girl do it" look and i gave her a "not now" look

A/N: hee-hee wait for the next chapter. it is juicy

XO 키카- XO Kika- XO kitty FFWhere stories live. Discover now