Thrity sixth

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In the morning the group was picking up dead branches and trash. Lovely field trip. When three cars pulled up and a famous asian guy stepped out. Madison who stood next to Min Ho and I screamed causing Min Ho and I to look at each other, after having our ears blown out slowly made our way to Mr Park

"Hi, my mother, Dami, says 'hello' Mr Park" Min Ho said, me on his side.

"Ah Dami. your mother is an incredible woman" Mr Park said and Min Ho nodded humbly. Or not humbly. I truly don't think the word humble is in Min Ho's vocabulary.

"Did she ever tell you about the time I ran into her at Sundance?" Mr Park asked and Min Ho shook his head

"She kept me warm on a very cold night" Park insinuated and Min Ho looked offended

"Excuse me?"
"Min" I touched his hand and he looked at me. People pushed past us to take pictures with Park. Min Ho looked at me

"Can you believe that guy?" Min Ho asked and I shook my head. Min Ho interlocked our fingers as we walked back to his tent

"How dare he speak of my mother that way" he raved

"Min" I warned, turning my body and rubbing his arm "Calm down, this is your last string to Madison just power through it" I rubbed his cheek "i know you can"
Min Ho smiled, rubbing the wrist of my hand that was on his face. He pulled it away and kissed my palm. I smiled and he chuckled

"How do you do that so well?" Min Ho asked

"Do what?" I asked

"Talk people down" And i laughed

"I don't know, maybe, I love you too much." I said and he cupped my face, leaning down and kissing me. We pulled apart and he smirked

"I cant wait till Madison is out of the picture so i can make you mine" Min Ho said

"Yours?" I asked

"Yes you'll be all mine"
"I don't think so" I argued

"This will be mine" he kissed my lips "so will this" he kissed my nose "and this" he kissed my neck "especially this" he kissed my forehead and I chuckled.

"Let's go" I chuckled and dragged his hand.

Later I was sitting on my bed reading when Dae busted in

"Kika, I need your help" He held up two hoodie

"What?" I asked putting the book down

"Which one?" He held up the hoodies "black or grey?"
"Uhm what are you wearing over it?" I asked


"Black then brother" I said in Korean like he was an idiot

"You're so much like mom." Dae said and I smiled

"I am" I nodded and he smiled

"Anyways wish me luck" He ran out

"Wishing you luck on a date with your already girlfriend? Yeah, that makes sense." I said and went to get ready for my date later tonight.

I picked out a dark dusty blue drawstring dress and grabbed my dark grey hoodie because it's cold outside.

I sat down and starting curling my hair with the wand when Chana walked in

"Ohhhh big date tonight

"You're so cheesy. It's a simple dinner in his tent"

"In all fairness Kika, chana has a point this is huge!" Jin said walking in

"Uh huh. How's Quinn?" I asked and he looked at me
"I wasn't with Quinn" Jin said and Chana laughed

"So the purple mark on the side of your neck is what? A mosquito bite?" I asked and he covered his neck
"Fine, i asked her to officially be my girlfriend, and we had a little fun" He smirked and Chana threw my BTS pillow at him

I finished my hair and heard my phone. I jumped for it but Chana got it first.

"Hey!" I said, muffled because my face was on the bed

"Where are you? I've got a bit of a surprise at my tent? Winky face?!" Chana read aloud

"Chana!" I shrieked waking Jin

"Shush" he threw his plushie at my head.

"Oh you're definitely getting pregnant tonight" Chana handed me my phone

"No I am not. My dad would kill me"
"Sheesh my dad would kill you," Chana said.

"Alright alright I'm leaving goodbye" I blew a kiss. I walked to the tent but stopped outside when I heard Madison's voice.

"Look I'm ready for a relationship" Min Ho said and I pressed my ear against the fabric of the tent

"Well im not" Madison said "it's the whole reason i liked you"

"I get it. I understand but i also don't want one with you" Min Ho said

"That's understandable. But I'm still into hooking up though" Madison said and Min Ho shook his head

"That's not gonna happen" Min Ho said

"Okay then i will see you tomorrow on the bus" Madison said and walked out. She saw me and I shushed her.

Min Ho sat on his bed. The sun is setting next to him.

"Soooooooo you're free?" I side-stepped into his view and he jumped, causing me to laugh.

"Don't do that" He stood up
"I'm gonna keep doing it" I bounced in and wrapped my arms around his neck

"Hi" I whispered, as he snaked his arms around my waist

"Hi" he rubbed our noses together before interlocking our lips together.

"So what's all this" I waved my finger around at the candles, rose petals, and strawberries.

"Only the finest for the most beautiful girl in the world" Min Ho said, still holding onto me

"Your so cheesy" I groaned and pretend to faint, i propped myself back up and smiled "i love it"

I kissed his nose and he spun me

"Well don't you look snazzy" he said

"Says the one in a suit" I said and he laughed.

"Now I'm not expecting you to get on one knee but I am expecting a proposal," I said, clasping my hands together.

He sighed and looked at me "Kristina" he pulled out a ring pop causing me to laugh. He got down on one knee

"How dare you ruin my plan. But will you be my girlfriend?" he asked

"Hmm" I thought and he rolled his eyes.
"Yes i think i will" i took the red pop, licking it. Min Ho stood up and laughed

"Your such a child"

"You play into my child nature" I said

"Ah huh" Min Ho nodded and took the pop from me, setting it on the table.

"Hey!" I said but I was cut off by him kissing me.

I chuckled and kissed him back. His hands slipped from my face to my hips, pulling me closer. I smiled slightly and Min Ho deepened the kiss.

The war was finally over. I no longer had to pretend I hated him. I had Min Ho. Dae had Kitty and not Yuri. Q had Florian. Chana had a boyfriend. Jin had Quinn and for the first time, the world went quiet. 

XO 키카- XO Kika- XO kitty FFWhere stories live. Discover now