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About halfway up the mountain Min Ho catches up to me

"Anyone ever tell you, your a little too fast" Min Ho said and i laughed and shook my head

"Look about the other day" Min Ho pulled us off to the side so we could talk

"I just wanna say-" He started but was cut off by Kitty yelping. We turned to see that kitty had tripped and Dae had caught her, and they were now frozen in said position. Yuri came and Kitty and Yuri started insulting each other, and then took off running up the mountain

"Uh as you were saying" i turned back slowly but Min Ho was up by Dae.

Nice. Chana walked up and wrapped her arm around my shoulder and we kept waking.

I saw madison walk next to Min Ho and i shook my head

"Are you jealous" Chana asked

"No i'm just wondering what's so freaking funny" I said and Chana laughed

"Awh my little Kika is jealous" Chana pouted

I watched as Madison and Min Ho climbed the rest of the mountain together

Why am I so bothered by this? He's talked to thousands of girls before, why am I just getting bothered now?
"She's not even that pretty" I said and Chana chuckled

"Is this you not jealous?"

"Oh please she looks like something i drew with my left hand" I said

Lie. Madison is pretty. I'm just subconsciously finding ways to pick her apart. Do I know why? NO. No, I do not.

"You like him. And don't you dare try to deny it otherwise you wouldn't be downing on that poor girl" Chana said and I sighed.

Back at the dorm I showered and changed and surprise surprise. There was a card on my bed.

"This better be the last of them" I said, wringing out my wet hair.

I opened it and read the store bought card. I rolled my eyes and tossed it in the pile.

I heard the door open and I looked out and saw that Q had started his movie night. I closed the door quietly and blow dried my hair and straightened it.

I walked out of my room and into the kitchen. I opened a bag of popcorn and watched Q and Florian.

Min Ho walked out.

"Hey, my mom is in this. She plays the kings second daughter"

"Oh yeah? Does she still act?" Florian asked

"Oh yeah, she's absolutely smashing it right now in L.A" Min Ho said

That's about the gayest thing I've ever heard. And we literally live with Q

"She's up for the role as a mermaid in the mafia" Min Ho said

"I'd watch that" one of Q's friends said as Min Ho walked over to the couch.

"Scooch over" Min Ho and Florian moved closer to Q

"Oh I could give you guys the behind the scenes dirt on this" min Ho said and I groaned and he looked at me.

About halfway through the movie, Florian got up to leave.

"Wait!" I said and he looked at me

"Min Ho. Can I talk to you? In my room?" I asked and Min Ho nodded and immediately stood up.

I walked in and closed the door

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I asked

"What do you mean" Min Ho asked

"Q is obviously into Florian" I said "and you being out their and spoiling the movie is not helping"

"Well nobody told me" Min Ho said

"Yeah because the rest of us picked up on the social cues" I said

"Well that's why I have you" Min Ho said and then looked around my rooms

"Seems you've gotten my gifts" Min Ho said

"And then some" I said "look" I grabbed his arms "I really appreciate the initiative but you gotta stop with the flowers, Chana's about a bouquet away from turning into the big bad wolf and sneezing this place down"

And he laughed "well your the one who wasn't talking about what you told me"

"About that" I stalled, taking my hands off him.

"Do you like me?" Min Ho asked

"Please don't make me answer that..." I begged, scrunching my nose slightly

"Let me finish talking for once" Min Ho said and I nodded

"About us" Min Ho said

"There is no 'us'" I added

"Shut up" Min Ho said and I nodded and go quite

"Look I've done some thinking about what you said" and I nodded and looked around my room.

Couldn't tell.

"Look Kika" Min Ho said "I know that you're scared" he touched my cheek and i froze.

"But i need to know, why did you sleep with me if you weren't drunk?"

I shrugged slightly

Where's the confidence I had ten seconds ago? It said woosh out the door.

"I guess i wanted to know what it would be like" I said, completely unsure of my answer

"Then answer my question. Do you like me?"

Crap i dont even know anymore

"And please please dont say no" Min Ho said, grabbing my hands

"Its not a no" I said and Min Ho nodded slightly, mouth a little open. Within seconds he was leaning but just as he did

XO 키카- XO Kika- XO kitty FFWhere stories live. Discover now