thirty seventh

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Back at KISS, I groggily woke up and trudged out. Hit with sunlight. Q was on the ground working out and Min Ho was sitting out on the couch with his gold face roller. Diva.

"Ah good morning Kika" Q said and I trudged to Min Ho.

"Hello, don't you look angelic" Min Ho smiled and I whined

"The lack of sarcasm in your voice is not appreciated" I curled up in his lap. Dae and Kitty hopped out of their rooms, looking way too cheery.

"Good morning," kitty said cheerily, might I add.

"Good morning," Dae said as they embraced and shared a kiss. I groaned and rolled closer to min ho, who was holding my legs.

"You look so beautiful today" Dae said

"I'll make the coffee" Kitty said

"I'll grab the mugs"

"It's too early to be this cheery," Min Ho said, rubbing my thigh. I shuffled closer as I tried to drift asleep again but Romeo and Juliet over there were making it very difficult. Hopefully they're story ends the same. Yes I just wished death upon my brother and friend. Do I regret it? No no I do not, you shall deal with it.

"I am this cheery, not only because I have the most perfect boyfriend in the world" Kitty said and Dae smiled at her. At this point I've given up on sleep and stood up to walk to get coffee. Min Ho and Q following. The boys got the stools and I stood next to Min Ho who had his arm draped over my waist.

"But it has come to my attention that i am failing almost all of my classes" Kitty said as Dae walked up behind her, sticking his arms through the gap between hers and laying his head on her shoulder, setting the mugs down

"So if i don't do amazing on the finals, i will flunk out of school" Kitty said

"And that brings you cheer because.....?" Q asked, looking at Min Ho and I who looked equally confused

"Because if I dwell on the fact that I was considered super-smart at home and here I can barely keep up. I will start sobbing." Kitty said and I nodded as she made coffee.

"We have a week before finals. We're gonna make study plans and everyone will help you" Dae said and Min Ho snapped his neck to look at Dae.

"Im very busy, so---" Min Ho got cut off

"Everyone" Dae demanded again

Min Ho whipped his neck again to look at me

"Shhh your gonna get whiplash" I whispered patting his head

"Guys kitty and I are finally together" Dae said

"Ya dont say" I said sarcastically as Kitty handed me a mug

"I'm not gonna let her fail out of this school now" Dae said

"Well im in" Q said "I'll help you with chem"

"I'm down, i can do english" I said

"Thank you" dae nodded at us

"She definitely needs to work on her korean" Min Ho said in korean

"What did you call me?" Kitty asked

"Exactly" Min Ho said and I nodded

"I'll take the other subjects" Dae said

"And Dae has been top of our class like every semester so your in good hands" Q said and I groaned

"Or i'll fail out, have to leave my true love, and disgrace my mothers legacy, which is even greater than i thought" Kitty said

"So" We brought all our mugs up

"No pressure" Kitty said as we clinked them all together.

Later that night i was sitting on my bed, writing a song for the group

"You plus me sadly can be dangerous" I hummed to myself when the door sprung open
"Can i hit your brother" Min Ho asked and I laughed

"That bad?" I asked, setting my stuff down on the nightstand

"She's terrible" He hissed, closing the door and locking it.

"Oh poor baby" I mocked him and he rolled his eyes.

"So" he held up a small purple package and I laughed

"Yeah" I said

"Let's go!" He launched onto the bed.

Afterwards I laid on him, playing with his finger.

"Why'd it take so long?" he asked and I looked at the ceiling confused
"I'd say you controlled yourself pretty well" I said and he laughed

"No not that. Im aware im a god at sex" Min Ho said and i mocked him silently

"Why'd we take so long? Getting together?" and I thought about it.

"I guess i took a really long time to talk myself out of it" I said and he chuckled

"It didn't work obviously" I said and he chuckled again.

I rolled over and rested my head on his chest

"Why'd it take you so long? You could've just asked" I said

"I thought you hated me" Min Ho said and I laughed

"I didn't hate you i was scared" I said

"Of little old me" Min Ho asked

"Far from little." I turned back, interlocking our fingers "i think i was scared you regretted it"

"What" he asked and I laughed "yeah"

"How could i ever.." he was at a loss for words "i thought you regretted it" and we both laughed

"We have communication issues" I said, playfully.

"From now on, we are fully open about things" Min Ho said and I smirked
"Okay" I swung my legs over his lap "i didn't regret this time, we could always go again"

"Ahh" he lent up, grabbing something from my drawer

"Did you stash those"
"Always be prepared" Min Ho said and I laughed, leaning down and kissing him.  

XO 키카- XO Kika- XO kitty FFWhere stories live. Discover now