Chapter 3: Every Day Is Leg Day When You're Running From Your Problems

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    Sausage was in bed.

    He knew perfectly well that it was already almost noon, and that he had things to do, but the bed was so comfy. He was in the perfect comfortable laying position, and he had the perfect amount of pillows and blankets, and he was pretty sure Bubbles was sleeping on one of his legs, which was even more reason to not get up.

    It had nothing to do with the fact that he was supposed to have a meeting with Goblin FWhip today.

    Fine, maybe it did. But in his defense, Sausage didn't know how to act around the goblin. He was cute and cool and awesome and full of good ideas, and Sausage was, well, Sausage.

    How does one act around the person they have a massive crush on? Sausage didn't know, and he wasn't about to confess anytime soon. The best way to deal with a problem is to not deal with it at all, right?

    Bubbles shifted around, and Sausage felt her get up and walk over to his face. He opened his eyes and blinked up at her.

"We've got stuff to do, Sausage. You can't stay in bed all day."  Bubbles said. 

   Sausage buried his face in his pillow and mumbled, "You mean I have stuff to do today. You're just going to nap in the corner while I do all the hard work." 

    Sausage could talk to animals. It was his magical gift. It may have almost gotten him killed before, but that wasn't important. That was in the past, and Sausage intended to leave it there.

   Bubbled nudged him with her nose, and barked again. "The meeting with the green man is going to happen whether you like it or not, and if you stay in bed, I'll just bring him to have the meeting here. I'm sure you'd like that, right?"

    Sausage scrambled up from the bed so fast, he overbalanced and fell on the floor. "I'm up, I'm up! Don't do that!" It would be just like Bubbles to get FWhip into Sausage's bedroom, and probably convince him to get into the bed too, all while pretending to be an innocent dog who had absolutely no idea what she was insinuating.

    Sausage got off the floor and walked to his closet, ignoring Bubble's snicker from behind him. "You just want drama, don't you?" He asked as he began to dig through his closet for a clean shirt and maybe a jacket.

"And you don't?" Bubbles replied as she hopped off the bed and trotted over to sit by the door.

"Not when the drama is happening to me!" Sausage protested. He pulled a teal shirt out and pulled it on, adding his pauldron and bits of armor on top. 

    Now fully dressed, Sausage walked out of the door and went downstairs, Bubbles following by his heel. Stopping to grab two cups of coffee from the kitchen, he walked out into the sunshine and started going towards the marketplace.

    "You told the goblin you'd meet him at the wood factory. You're walking the wrong way."

    "I'm just going to give Eddie this coffee first, and maybe chat a bit, and then I'll go meet up with FWhip." Sausage said. Bubbles growled and gently bit his ankle, obviously annoyed.

    "Just confess to him already!" Bubbles barked. Sausage shook his head, and said, "He probably doesn't even like me that way. I'd rather keep him as a friend, and never say anything, than confess and never see him again."

    Bubbles growled again but didn't reply. Sausage turned onto a side street and walked up the road to his adoptive father's house. Pushing the door open with his foot, he walked in and looked around.

Eddie's house was very cozy. It was colorfully painted in greens and blues, but in a way that made it look calming instead of garish or overly bright. Chairs and couches were scattered around for sitting, and little tables dotted the area for leaving a empty coffee cup or a good book. Sausage set the coffee cups down on one of those, and walked forward to hug the harengon. 

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