Headcanon thingy (Sal #1)

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summary: Sal prolly walks around without his prosthetic to be invisible

Sal calmly walked around in the halls of his school, lock picking a unused Locker so he'd look like a new kid.

Noone knew who he was without his mask, now he was a completely new face (a scarred one at that).

Sal had gotten compliments, insults or weird looks for his scarred face.

Gladly, Only Larry knew who this weird kid was, since it was just Sal without his mask.

Sal had to sit at a different table, eat different foods, have different posture, different everything.

Travis didn't bully him much when he was this "Kyle" persona.

Travis thought the scar was cool, And acted pretty damn different, even.

Travis liked "Kyle" the friendly way, Travis had unknowingly become friends with his crush of somewhat Three months through this "Kyle" guy.

Larry had snuck Sal into different classes, sitting in chairs of barely there students.

Sal found it funny, how Larry scrambled to get "Kyle" into class, whispering and giggling as he shut the door behind "Kyle".

Once, Sal even tried using wigs to really be invisible with Larry, but deliberately failed due to not even knowing how to hide his hair.

It's their little inside joke, honestly.

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