Gay gay gay

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(I dreamt this once. Being an author just comes to me when I go to bed.)

The friend group had a sleepover at the tree house, including Travis at a distance.

Lary was nerding out with Todd about random topics while Ashley was eating chips and listening to music with Neil.

It was about 2 am at this point, Travis laying down on the floor in the spare sleeping bag Sal bought.

They both lay on the floor together, their eyes are heavy and both are half-asleep. Mostly Sal though.

" You know Travis.. You sometimes remind me of my mom. " the group shuts up as Sal hums that, reaching over to Travis carefully.

Travis chuckles, holding Sal's Hand. " Hmm, really? Why? "

" She was kind. And caring. She had the same blonde hair as you too, Trav. " Sal tucks a bit of hair behind Travis' ear, smiling to him sleepily.

" Mm, talk to me like that when you're actually awake and aware of yourself. " Travis mumbles, blushing as Sal is so.. gentle with him.

" But I'm awake, sweetie.. " Sal rests his head on the floor boards.

" Good luck convincing me when you're talking so sweetly like that. " Travis laughs, watching as Sal's eyes flutter closed.

Cue dramatic camera turn to the friend group backed into a wall to avoid feeling like third wheels.

" They're being gay Ashley... " Larry hugs Ashley as if he's scared, Ashley cuddling back in fear and shock.

" They're gay!! " Ashley exclaims quietly as Todd and Neil celebrate and wave around invisible gay flags.

Cue dramatic camera turn AGAIN

Travis hums as Sal quietly holds his hand in his peaceful slumber, Letting himself slip into rest he desperately needed after listening to the group from 7pm to well into the night.

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