Start of the day

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A/n Pov:

Beep Beep Beep

A loud alarm rang making a boy grond who was sleeping peacefully, He smiled a little when sunrays hit his beautiful face making it look even more ethereal. He sat on the bed snoozing the alarm "Good Morning, World" He said & went towards his window, sliding the curtains which was covering the half of the window.

"Finally the day" He said excitedly as he went towards his kitchen to prepare a coffee, while humming a beautiful song.

After drinking the coffee he quickly took a shower & came to the kitchen while wearing a bathrobe as he started making something for the breakfast, he had prepared some delicious waffles with a orange juice he quickly finished his breakfast washing the left utensils, after he was done he checked the time it was almost 8:30 he went to his room & changed his outfit.

He was wearing a Black Shirt with white pants & sneakers with a cute sunshine necklace & a smart watch after he was done, he looked at himself in the mirror & sighed heavily
"C'mon Hobi you can do it" He said putting a light smile on his face checking everything that he has to take with him including his files a bag, phone, & finally he left his apartment.


The other side

Beep Beep Beep

"Ugh, I'll quit this job one day!" A boy said huskily as he sat on his bed with a poker face as he snoozed the alarm.

He looked up at the clock, & got up from bed wearing his t-shirt as he prefers sleeping without it. He walked to his kitchen making a hard coffee so that he can feel energetic & could work all day, As he's so passionate when it comes to his work.

Once he was done he walked to his bathroom & took a quick shower, He came to his room while wrapping a towel around his waist as he dried his hairs & changed into his formal clothes.

He wore black pants with a white shirt, a black tie, & a black coat, he wore his shoes wearing his Expensive watch & finally came downstairs. He checked his phone as it was almost 8:50 he grabbed two breads putting a cheese between them & finally left the his mansion.


"Good Morning, Boss!" A boy said running behind Yoongi as he entered inside the huge building which he owns.

"Good morning- wait, JIMIN? I thought you left already" Yoongi said as he while going to his cabin, while everyone bowed him.

"Ah,Yes, boss, I'll leave the day after tomorrow" Jimin said while walking behind him.

"Hmm, what about the new boy, he's going to join today?" Yoongi said as he walked inside his cabin.

"Yes, boss, today he'll come to give his interview" Jimin replied.

"Hmm, good, now tell me the schedule of today" Yoongi asked.

"Yes, boss, you're having a meeting with Mr. Choi at 12 & a Meeting with Mrs. Lee at at 2" Jimin replied.

"Okay, fine, you can go now" Suga said & Jimin bowed & left the cabin.


"Excuse me, I'm here to give my interview" Hoseok said to the receptionist.

"Sure sir." Says to Hoseok "Irene, pls
Guide him to the Boss's cabin" She said to a Girl named Irene.

Irene guided Hoseok, who followed her & finally he was standing in front of A Wide black door where was a name plate as "Mr.Min Yoongi" He took a deep breathe before knocking the door.

Knock, Knock

"Come in"

Hoseok opened the door as he peeked inside first & then finally stepped in.

So, what do you think will happen next? See you in the next part :)
Bye, bye ♡

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