After Making Love

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"So? Are we going to tell about this to everyone?" Hoseok asked, still lying in Yoongi's arms, while both of them covered in a blanket.

"About what, sweetheart?" Yoongi asked as he carresed Hoseok's shoulder, kissing his silky addicting smell like hairs.

"That we're dating" He drew some hearts with his fingers on Yoongi's chest.

"All upto you, Baby. If you want we'll tell them"

"Then, let's not tell them, please" He looked at him.

"I respect your opinion, Love. But why?"

"I... I don't want everyone to look at me like I'm your lover or something, but as a normal employe like them..."

"Are you afraid, what they'll say, if they get to know about that we're dating?"

"Y-yes" He shuttered.

"Oh, my love. You know that. I'm going to take out their tongues, if they dared to say something" He said in a deep voice, sending shivers to Hoseok

"M-mr.Min!" Hoseok , slapped his chest lightly

"Ok, ok fine. We won't tell them. Happy now?" He laughed.

"Mhm..." He whined sleepily.

"Are you sleepy already?"

"It's 5 am, what do you mean?" Hoseok glanced at the clock.

"I thought you were up for round 10" Yoongi smirked.

"Sleep quitely!!" He turned around, leaving Yoongi's chest.

"Baby, I love you" He chuckled, hugging from behind.

"I love you more" Hoseok replied.

"No, that's not true, I love you more-"


"Chill baby chill. Why so aggressive? Are these your mood swings? Are you pregnant already?" He asked chuckling.

Hoseok went silent for a moment,but then he again turned around facing Yoongi,with a cute serious face. "Will you have a baby with me?"

"H-huh?" Yoongi was speechless. "Ofc, baby. I'd love to do that, I'll love to have a baby with you" Then he smiled again, carresing Hoseok's soft cheeks.

"Do you promise that you'll never break my heart?" Hoseok asked again.

"I'd rather die than doing that" Yoongi replied.

"I love you, Mr. Min"

"It's Yoongi, Mr. Jung"

"Shut up, Mr. Min"

"Make me, Mr. Jung"

He smiled to Yoongi, before throwing a pillow in his face, turning around again "Pervert!"

"Oh, Gosh!! You're so cute when you're angry" He cooed at his boyfriend, hugging him from behind tightly again.

"Aren't we going to clean up?" Hoseok asked lazily.

"You wanna shower together?"


"Ok fine, but it should be only SHOWER, am I clear-" Before he could complete his sentenes, Yoongi kissed him again.

"You talk to much, you know?" Yoongi chuckled.

"Thanks for your reminder"

Finally both of them showered together, Yoongi washed Hoseok's hairs, who was giggling all the time. Making Yoongi laugh at him. After they were done Yoongi was tying Hoseok's bathrobe, while he was done wearing his own. The oldest can't help but admire his boyfriend who was telling stupid things to Yoongi, who was listening them with his all interest. At last he couldn't help but kissed Hoseok's passionately, because he was so cute, hot & sexy to resist, at first Hoseok's eyes went all wide, but soon he gave up & kissed back.

After Sometime, when both of them were done with their kissing session, Hobi was in front of his mirror in his bathrobe, drying his hairs with towel. When Yoongi came from behind. Backhugging his lover, putting his chin onto Hobi's shoulder.

"Baby, can I ask something?" Yoongi asked, looking at Hoseok through the mirror, who also looked at him through the mirror & smiled.


"Have you dated anyone before? Or have you ever had a crush on someone?" Yoongi questioned.

"No, I never dated anyone before, I mean I could if I wanted to, but these things to me didn't seemed right, and yes. I had a crush, when I was in highschool, he was a popular guy, he even proposed me. But..." Hoseok hesitated a bit.

"But?" Yoongi took the towel from Hoseok, drying his hairs now.

"I was... I was just not ready for that. My heart said, it wasn't right, so I never accepted him, even though I liked him. What about you? Have you ever dated someone?" Hoseok asked.

"I actually did. I dated plenty of girls. But not like I loved them, neither they did, it was just for my & theirs business purpose"

"Mr.Min..." Hoseok called him.

"Yes, My darling?" Hoseok blushed at the romantic nickname.

"Please, don't ever break my heart, it's sensitive, you're only man, I've loved, you're the only man who touched me, you're my first kiss, yet my everything, I won't be able to live, if I lose you" He conffessed.

"Oh, my god, baby. Why are you so worried for that? Look at me, Hoseok" Yoongi turned him around & cupped his cheeks.

"You can trust me, ok? I really love you, nit for some business purposes, but from the bottom of my heart, I really do, so much, more than anything, you can imagine, wondered. So there's nothing to be worry about ok?" He hugged Hoseok, whose ears were touching Yoongi's chest, as he heard his heartbeat getting fast. A beautiful lighs smiled captured his lips, he could tell Yoongi was honest about his feelings for Hoseok.

"Shall we go to sleep now?" Yoongi asked

"Hmm.." Hoseok hummed, before glancing at the clock, which was showing 5:40 am of the morning. Yoongi picked him in bridal style, going towards bed as he gently placed him on bed. But Hoseok went all shocked, when Yoongi started removing his bathrobe.

"W-wait, why are you removing your bathrobe" He asked nervously.

"Ah, it's nothing love. I prefer sleeping without my shirt, but since I don't have any clothes right now, I've to remove my bathrobe." He removed his bathrobe, showing his bare body.


"Don't worry, I won't do anything without your permission, plus I'm tired too" Yoongi convinced him.

"That's not, what I mean-" He took a deep breathe, before removing his bathrobe too.

"Hoseok, what are you doing?" Yoongi asked as he watched Hoseok removing his bathrobe.

"Twinning" He now fully removed his bathrobe.

"You're cute" Yoongi chuckled, lying down in the bed pulling Hoseok in his arms, covering their naked bodies with blanket.

"Good night, Mr. Min" Hoseok hugged Yoongi, closing his eyes.

"Good night, baby love" He hugged his boyfriend back, closing his eyes too, as they slept.

Any thoughts about next part?

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