Parents house

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"Are you sure they're gonna like me?" The couples was in the car on their way to Daegu & Yoongi was driving.

"Mr.Min, they're gonna like you alot." Hoseok convinced him.

"Do.. You think they'll like the gift? And what if they don't like it? What if they say.." But Yoongi was still panicking as he never met with these things before.

"Oh God, Sir. Why are you panicking so much? It's just an anniversary party. & I'm sure they'll like you & your gift, too. Hoseok sighs, looking at Yoongi.

"Why are you taking me with you, baby? They invited you as their son, what will they think.." Yoongi keeps driving, keeping his eyes on the road.

"So what if they invited me as thier son? Aren't you thier handsome Soon to be Son-in-law?" Hoseok teased his boyfriend with a teasing smile.

"I know, but isn't too fast? I mean it's barely been a week since we started dating.." Yoongi let's out a heavy deep sigh.

"You can drop me here, I'll go by myself if you don't wanna meet them." Hoseok's turns a bit sad, as he was getting annoyed by how Yoongi was panicking again and again.

"Baby.." Yoongi removes his hand from the gear, holding Hoseok's hand. "It's not like that it's just I'm nervous that's why maybe I'm blabbering these things..."  He cleared himself to his boyfriend.

"And why are you so nervous? I'm right here besides you. & i promise to be besides you even if we reach there." Hoseok asks softly making Yoongi melt by what he said.

"Oh.. Baby. What good deeds i did, that i got you?" Yoongi chuckles.

"You fell in love with me." Hoseok giggles a bit.

"I fall in love with you everytime i see you, Jung Hoseok." Yoongi kissed his hand that he was holding, still keeping his eyes on the road.

"Cheesy.." Hoseok intertwines their fingers together.

"But only yours.." Yoongi smiles speeding the car as they went on their way.

At Hoseok's house

"Momm!" Hoseok hugged his Mom tightly.

"Oh My Son, saw you after 4 months. How are you, My little Sunshine?" She hugged him back lovingly.

"I'm good, Mom. How are you?" Hoseok asks.

"I'm good, too, Baby. & Who's this young man?" She finally notices the nervous Yoongi besides Hoseok.

Hoseok pulls away from the hug. "Oh him? He's my Boss.." Holds Yoongi's arms, smiling softly, "And My Boyfriend."

"Hello Ma'am, I'm Min Yoongi" Yoongi respectfully bows & introduces himself.

"Oh my god, You got such a handsome boyfriend, Seokie Baby." She was amazed. "Please come inside you both." She smiles at both of them walking inside the house, in the living.

"See, i told you, they'll like you." Hoseok whispers, that could be only heard to Yoongi.

"It's not they, Baby. It's only she, means your mother only, thinking about your father is giving me a kidney ache." Yoongi was still nervous, making Hoseok roll his eyes at his boyfriend.

"Godd! Stop being dramatic for God's sake. My father is nice, too. Ok he'll like you too." He whispers-yells at Yoongi. As they went to the living.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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