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A/n pov:

Yoongi was sitting on his chair clearly fucked up after what happened. His hands were roaming inside his hairs, as he slammed his hand on desk. & called someone through the telephone.

"Yes, Boss need something?"

"Yes, come to my cabi- wait, who're you?" Yoongi asked when he realized it wasn't hobi.

"It's me boss, Sana" Sana said.

"Why where's Hoseok!?" Yoongi frowned.

"I don't know, sir, he just left without saying something to anyone" She said.

"What!? And why didn't you told me!?" He asked.

"B-boss i-i" She shuttered.

"Y'all are useless! " He the call, hurriedly taking his car keys, leaving the building.

Knock knock

Yoongi knocked impatiently, & after a while someone finally opened the door.

"Aish, who's th- Mr. Min!?" He said with wide eyes, trying to close the door. But Yoongi didn't let him.

"Wait, Hoseok! I need to talk to you!" Yoongi said.

"But, I don't wanna, you shouldn't be here, Mr. Min pls go from here." He said as his voice started cracking.

"Hoseok, pls" Yoongi said in a soft voice. As Hoseok took a deep breathe calming himself, As he finally let Yoongi come in.

"Why did you left?" Yoongi asked looking at Hoseok.

"I-i wasn't feeling well" He lied.

"Don't lie" Yoongi said lifting Hoseok's chin, looking into his eyes, he could see his eyes were red, telling that he cried.

"Were you crying?" He asked.

"N-no" He said biting his lips trying not cry. Yoongi looked at him, with guilty eyes, he really scared the younger. He Went close to Hoseok slowly hugging him. As Hoseok instantly hugged back crying hardly.

"I'm sorry, Mr Min, it was all my fault" He said crying while hugging yoongi.

"No, Hobi why are you saying sorry, you didn't even had any idea, stop blaming yourself" Yoongi said, caressing his hairs hugging him back tightly.

"I-i" Hoseok Hiccuped.

"You're fine na? Did she hurt you anywhere.!?" Yoongi asked, cupping hus face, pulling out from the hug.

"N-no, I'm f-fine" Hoseok said, pulling him in another hug, cause it was so comfortable in Yoongi's warm embrace.

"Why she did that?" Hoseok asked once he calmed himself.

"I don't know what makes her think, that she's my girlfriend, I don't like her even a single penny, she's always so clingy, her father & me were friends in bussiness, so he often invites me on parties, lunches, dinners, but I don't like to go there or you can say, I don't go there because of her" He replied. As hoseok looked up, looking at Yoongi while his tiny hands around Yoongi's big body, & Yoongi's veiny hands around his tiny cute waist.

"Why don't you say something?" He asked.

"Well, since her father & me are good friends, I don't wanna ruin our friendship, even she's only 19 a kid in my eyes, I want her to grow up with someone who loves her as much as she loves him, not with someone who don't even see her as a friend" Yoongi replied.

"I hope she'll find her true love" Hoseok said putting his head onto Yoongi's shoulder.

"I hope so too" He replied, smiling at younger's action.

Damn, Someone's in love 👀

Any thoughts about the next part?

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