Not Expected

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Next Day-

"Good morning, boss" Sana said, placing the coffee on the table.

"Morning, What's the schedule?" Yoongi asked.

"You've most important meeting today with Mrs. Park in an hour" She said.

"Oh, ok, go & prepare the file for the meeting." He ordered.

"Ok, Boss" She bowed & was about to leave but.

"Hey, Sana, wait." Yoongi said.

"Yes, Boss?" She stopped.

"Um.. Well... Did Hoseok came today.?" He asked.

"Ah, yes, I almost forgot to tell you about it, he won't be able to come today, he had an accident yesterday" She said.

"WHAT!?" he nearly jumped from his chair. "But, he lives alone! Who told you!?" He asked.

"Well, her neighbour named Kim Dahyun informed me this morning." She said.

"Fuck.." He mumbled. "Which hospital!?" He asked again.

"National Seoul Hospital" She told. As Yoongi nodded taking his car keys walking towards the door hurriedly.

"Wait, what about the meeting boss!?" Sana asked, with wide eyes.

"Cancel it!"


Yoongi drove exceeding all the limits existed, he just wanted to see hobi however today, his heart was clenching inside his chest, he was regretting that  he let hobi leave yesterday, if he had stopped him. It would've never happened.

He was blaming himself for this. He had determined that of something happened to hobi he'll never ever forgive himself for this. Oh that poor how badly he needed someone besides him to comfort him, be he had to stay strong in this situation.

However he finally reached to the hospital, running to the reception directly.

"Hello, sir how can-"

"JUNG HOSEOK!?" He asked out of breathe.

"Jung- what?" She asked in confusion.

"Tell me the room no. Where Jung Hoseok is admitted, you stupid!" Yoongi shouted a bit as the receptionist flinched, but no one dared to stop Yoongi, cus who doesn't knows him.

"Ah, w-wait lemme check, sir" Receptionist said as she quickly checked the room no. "Room no. 23 sir" She told him quickly.

"Where's it!?" He asked impatiently.

"Straight then left" She told as Yoongi didn't even replied & ran towards the room, bumping onto some people's on his way, but did he cared?.



As soon Yoongi found the room he opened it directly, without even knocking.

"Exuse me-" A girl said but was cut off by Suga.

"Hoseok" Yoongi called.

"Mr.Min" He called back, as Yoongi straight went to him, but stopped.

"Exuse me, Miss could you pls stand up I need to sit, & pls leave also, I need to talk to him." Yoongi said, not liking the way how she was holding Hoseok's hand.

What a possesive freak Min Yoongi.

"Ah- I'm sorry, Sir." She said as she left outside.

As soon she left Yoongi sat on the chair besides the bed. Directly hugging him. & Hoseok just blinking cluelessly.

"Are you okay?" He asked carresing his silky hairs, causing hobi snapping into reality as he smiled slightly & hugged back the older.

"Y-yes, I'm absolutely fine" He replied. & Yoongi pulled out. From the hug. Cupping hobi's face looking deeply into his ocean eyes.

"Forgive me if possible, Hoba i shouldn't have let you go yesterday, it's all is my fault" He said being sad.

"Pls, don't say sorry, Mr. Min, it's not your fault, I should be the one saying sorry, because I was stupid enough who didn't cared about your feelings & said so many hurtful things to you" His lips slightly turning into a cute pout.

How desperately Yoongi wanted to kiss that cute lil pout.

"It's ok, let's just forget about it all, now tell me Does it hurts" He asked pointing at the wound which was on hobi's forehead.

"Ah, this? It's just a little scratch, I'm all fine & healthy, I just need to take rest & then I can finally go home." He said with a smile. As Yoongi slightly smiled back a little.

"Btw, who's that girl?" Yoongi asked.

"Oh, she? She's Dahyun , she took me hospital, why? " Hobi told.

"Nothing, just asking have you ate something?" Suga asked.

"Not yet, I wasn't feeling like eating" Hobi replied.

"Hm... How about I order something to eat for you?" He asked to Hobi.

"Umm.. But only if you'll eat with me..?" He said cutely.

"Ofc, Little one, now lemme order something for us" He smiled picking up the telephone to order something.

Knock knock

Someone knocked the door.

"Yes, Come in" Hobi allowed.

"Hey Hoseok, I've to leave, or else I'll be dead by my boss" She said awkwardly.

"Oh, no prob-" She was cut off by Suga.

"It's okay, Miss you can leave, I'll take care of him." He told her. Putting down the phone as he was done ordering.

"You sure..?" She confirmed.

"Ofc, I'll, you can leave" He said.

"Well, okay then bye, Hobi, take care" She told to Hobi.

"Bye, Dahyun you too pls take care, & thank you for all the efforts" He thanked Her.

"Hey, it's okay don't mention that, bye, bye" She told him.

"Byee" He smiled & said. As Dahyun left.

Any thoughts about next part?

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