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A/n pov:

Another day in the Min Corporation Hoseok was Doing something in the file, after giving the schedule & coffee to Yoongi.

"Hobi Hyung" Someone shouted causing Hobi looked at the direction.

"Kookie?" He said with smile.

"Good Morning, Hyung" Jungkook said with his cute bunny smile.

"Good morning to you too, kook, where were you this week, naughty little bunny?" Hobi asked causing Jungkook giggled.

"You know Hyung, Boss had shifted me on another floor cause of some purpose, so i wasn't available here, but now, since the work is done I'm back to my place." Jungkook said excitedly.

"Means I'll get to see this little bunny everyday?" Hobi asked.

"Luckily yes" Jungkook replied.

"Ok, Kook, then see you again, I've to go & give this File to Mr. Min" Hoseok said.

"Wait, hyung, I'm also going there let's go together" Jungkook said as hobi nodded & they walked towards the cabin.

Jungkook knocked the door & heard a "Come in" In a response. He Opened the door widely for Hoseok like a gentleman Hobi smiled at him & walked inside & jungkook smiled back & walked after him.

Meanwhile Yoongi who was looking at them with a weird face, it was the most shocking thing for Yoongi cause it was almost more than a week he never saw hobi talking with Others, he always minded his own business, being busy in his works or being in meetings with Yoongi.

Other side he also felt jealous that how Hoseok & Jungkook smiled at eachother.

"Good morning, Boss" Jungkook said.

"Morning, Mr. Jeon needed something?" He asked coldly.

"Yes, Sir actually the file you've gave me it's half part is missing" Jungkook said.

"Hm.. Go & check in the shlef it must be there." He said pointing at the shelf. That was in his cabin in the corner. As Jungkook nodded & walked towards the shelf.

"Mr.Min, I need your signature here" Hoseok said placing the file on the table.

Yoongi nodded checking the file before doing a signature.

"Boss, I've found the file, may I leave now? " Jungkook asked & Yoongi nodded as he handed the file to Hoseok who bowed & walked behind Jungkook.

And again the same thing happened Jungkook opened the door widely for Hoseok like a gentleman "after you" Jungkook said, & hoseok smiled at him. & they both walked out.

Other side Yoongi who was looking at them with rage in his eyes, he poked his tounge inside his cheek. & opened his laptop to do his work.

Minutes had passed, but he wasn't concentrated in his work, so he closed his laptop & determined to see what's hobi is Doing he looked at his computer seeing CCTVS footages, & what he saw boiled his blood. He saw Jungkook sitting onto Hobi's working table laughing with him throwing himself onto hobi touching his hands.

That was it, he stood up from his chair & walked out from his cabin. He came out and since Hoseok's table was right in front of His cabin, he saw Jungkook his back was facing Yoongi, he clenched his fist as he walked towards Jungkook standing behind him.

"Is this your home, Mr. Jeon!?" He asked angrily as Jungkook flinched as he turned around standing up from the table finally facing Yoongi with fear.

"So now, I've to teach you manners, huh!?" He asked again

"B-boss" He shuttered.

"Where's the file that I've gave you to complete!?" He attacked with questions. As Jungkook kept silent while looking down"I've asked something, Mr. Jeon, & I need words!"  Yoongi said.

"B-boss, i-i " He was scared badly.

"Just a simple word Yes or No? Have you completed the file.?"

"N-no, Boss" Jungkook replied looking down.

"Wow! " He clapped " The most important file isn't completed & here you're laughing with my Secretary, huh!?"

"Boss, I'm s-sorry-"

"I give you 2 hours go & complete the file!"He ordered Jungkook who hurriedly walked to complete the file.

"Mr.Jung, in the cabin, NOW!" He ordered to Hoseok as well. & walked to his cabin.


"What was that, Mr. Min?" Hoseok asked being little mad.

"What do you mean, what was that?" Yoongi replied.

"Why did you shouted at Jungkook like that?" Hoseok asked

"Why not? I'm the boss" Yoongi said

"But i need a reason, that why you did that?" Hoseok asked with a done face

"Because, he was talking to you instead of completing that important file, or what?" He lied.

"We both know how " Important" Was that file. Don't lie!"  Hoseok caught him a in a lie.

"Fine, it's because he was talking to you!" He finally answered

"Youuuu, for real!?" Hoseok gasped

"Nah, I'm for fake" Yoongi replied Sassily

"This isn't good, Mr. Min, I don't like it you've to say sorry to him" Hoseok said

"Yeah, why not Keep dreaming" Yoongi said crossing his arms.

"It's not fair you did that for no reason"
Hoseok said being surprised.

"I'm the boss here & why not!?"  Yoongi again said.

"Being boss, isn't like you've owned me, it might hurt your ego, but you're no one to do that, Mr. Min, I'm sorry for being rude but it is what it is, pls try to understand." Hoseok said leaving the cabin.

"He's right, I'm no one to do that" He looked down sadly.

Any thoughts about the next part?
My thumb hurts. 😭

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