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A/n pov:

Days has passed & Yoongi himself didn't knew what's gotten into him, Jung Hoseok has become his adoration. He'd admire him doesn't matter wherever he's, his eyes would unconditionally find Hobi to admire him. He was really attracted.

Right now he was sitting on his table while Hoseok was rechecking some files in his cabin while sitting in the couch, Yoongi was working on his laptop taking glances of Hoseok.

But suddenly someone opened the door causing both of them looked towards the door.

"Yoongi!" A girl said angrily as she walked towards him.

"Liah? What are you doing here, & what is this behavior, have you lost your mind!?" Yoongi asked standing up from his chair.

But before liah could day something her eyes fell on Hobi who was cluelessly looking at them. She glared at him. And said. "What are you looking at, huh!? Get out now!" She shouted as Hobi flinched grabbing his files hurriedly walked out from the cabin as liah slammed the door.

"Liah!" Yoongi said glaring at her. As she glared back & walked towards him.

"Shut up! What's gotten into you, huh!? Am I invisible to you!?" Liah yelled.

"What rubbish!" Yoongi said.

"Wow, now I'm saying rubbish, huh!? Since, last week you're avoiding me cancelling our plans as if I'm not your Girlfriend! Like you don't give a single fuck! " She said angrily.

"Shut up! I already told you I'm busy" Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"Busy!? With who? With that slut on lunches, huh!?" She Yelled.

"Liah, watch your mouth!" Yoongi yelled back.

"Don't show me my mouth, Yoongi, you cancelled our plans, just because of that cheap shit!?"

"This is too much, liah, don't make me open my mouth!" He said as being dead serious.

"Gladly, I'd like to see what will you do! Fire that boy right now!" She said glaring at him.

"And you think I'll!? You forgot who's the boss here!" He said.

"Oh my God, Yoongi, what is wrong with you!? You're ditching your girlfriend for him!?" She said with wide eyes.

"First of all stop addressing yourself as my girlfriend, you ain't, & second he's just my Personal Assistant!" Yoongi said.

"I know why are you talking to me like this, because of him! If you won't fire him, then I'll do it by myself!" Liah said as she angrily opened the door & walked out of the cabin. Yoongi had enough as he angrily walked behind her fuming in anger.

Liah came out as she saw Hoseok standing doing something in the file. She looked at him as if she'll kill him any next moment.

"You bitch!" She yelled at Hoseok & grabbed his arm. & before she could even do something someone grabbed her hand tightly freed Hoseok's arm from liah's hand & slapped her, as hard as she fell on floor, & it was none other than our Yoongi. Whole staff gasped, Hoseok gasped as he slapped his mouth by his hand. "M-mr.M-min" he whispered as Yoongi gripped his hand pushing him behind himself.

"Guards! Kick her out, & don't let her visit here ever again!" He ordered. As guards grabbed her arms dragging her."Yoongi! You stabber! I'll see you!"
She yelled at Yoongi as the guards dragged her.

Yoongi rolled his eyes a heavy sigh left his mouth as he looked around at everyone. "Is this a k-drama going in here, everyone busy in your damn work!!" He ordered everyone yelling at them. As the staff flinched started doing there own work.

Yoongi looked at Hoseok whose eyes were filled with water. Cause of fear, he really wanted to hug him, but he couldn't as he just gulped his dry saliva cleaning his fist & walked towards his cabin with a heavy heart.

Hoseok was just speechless, his heart was beating as if it was going to come out from his ribcage. He was breathing heavily as he sniffed wiping his tears & without even thinking twice, he grabbed his things & left the building.

Any thoughts about the next part?

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