Dinner Date

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"Ughhh, it's so boring!!" Hoseok rolled on his bed while pouting it was almost evening, he was discharge from the Hospital 5 days ago, but it was Yoongi who told him not to come corporation so he can take rest, Hoseok insisted that he's totally fine. But Yoongi was more stubborn.

Suddenly his phone rang, it was a call from Yoongi.

Well, since Yoongi told him to stay at his Apartment, Yoongi would often text or call him to ask if he needs anything, but today was different.

"Good Evening, Mr. Min" Hoseok greeted while laying on his tummy, swinging his legs in the air.

"Good Eve, are you free tonight?"

"As if you let me go anywhere" He mumbled.

"What?" Yoongi asked raising his brow.

"Ah! Nothing, Do you need anything, Mr. Min?" He asked.

"Yeah, well, um... I thought we both could've dinner together...?" He starched his nape "Only if you want!" He added.

"Sure, that's not a problem" Hoseok smiled.

"Okay, Cool! Then be ready at 8 I'll pick you up from your apartment" Yoongi told him.

"Ok, Mr. Min, I'll be ready" He said getting up from his bed.

"Ok, then see you" Yoongi said.

"Yeah, bye" Hoseok replied as the call ended.

Time skip

Hoseok was all ready He wore a silver White shirt tugged in the black pair of skinny jeans. He wore a black choker & a silver thin bracelet with it, wearing sneakers along with the outfit.

He was sitting on the bed all ready waiting for his ahem! Mr.Min. since Yoongi wasn't there wasn't there yet he thought to use his phone a bit. Until he got a notification.

Are you ready? I'm waiting outside.

As soon he read the text he quickly checked himself in the mirror.
Locking the door & walked away.

The other side

Yoongi who was standing outside of the apartment. Waiting for Hoseok while leaning on his Expensive car.
He was wearing a black shirt with black pants, while his sleeves folded a bit showing his veiny breathtaking pale hands. An Expensive watch wrapped around his wrist as well.

He was looking around when he heard someone's footsteps coming towards him. As he turned his head & saw the insanest thing ever.

He saw Hoseok who was coming towards him, while the choker around his neck, it looked so beautiful, his collarbone showing a bit, he saw how perfect his curves was, that beautiful slim waist-

"Good evening, Mr. Min"

"What-? Oh, hi- i mean good evening" Yoongi snapped.

"I hope I didn't made you wait longer for me" He said Akwardky.

"No, it's.. It's okay as soon I arrived here, i.. I texted you" He said trying not to look at the Younger's collarbone which was distracting him.

"I see, shall we leave now?"

"Y-yeah, sure" Yoongi said turning towards the car door. As Hoseok did the same & they left for their Dinner Date..

"By the way, how are you now?" Yoongi glanced at Hoseok & then focused on his driving.

"I'm absolutely fine" He giggled. Causing Yoongi chuckled at his cute behavior.

After 20 Minutes more of driving They finally reached on their destination.

Yoongi stopped the car & came out as Hoseok did the same.

"Wahh, it's so beautiful" Hoseok said as he adored the destination that him & Yoongi came to have their Dinner date.

"You like it?" Yoongi asked adoring the younger who was busy in adoring the view.

"Noo, I love it." Hoseok giggled & Yoongi chuckled. As he gave his hand to Hoseok who looked at him then put his hand onto Yoongi's hand, they intertwined there hands as they started walking towards the table, Another side Hoseok's heart was beating against his chest, as of it'll come out any next moment.

"You know, Since you've came I've changed alot, not only me everything has changed" Yoongi said while walking with Hoseok who was just listening to Yoongi.

"I've never took anyone out like this"

"So, should I consider myself as a lucky person?" Hoseok asked.

"No, I should be the one consider myself as a lucky person, who have a great person like you besides me" Yoongi said, as he looked at Hoseok.

"I don't know what has gotten into me, but , I literally can't stop thinking about you, if I think of something it's just you, My eyes are addicted to you, you've no idea how much you mean to me now." They both stopped in front of the table as Yoongi took Hoseok's another hand in his hands & softly kissed them.

This action of Yoongi caused Hoseok gasped at that moment. He felt like his heart was going to blast any moment. A pinkish color appeared on his soft cheeks as he blushed madly.

" I Love You, Jung Hoseok, I really love you so much, you might don't know but, You're a special part of my heart. And if something happened to you, there's no chance I'll be able to live."
Yoongi confessed.

"M-mr.Min, I-i" Hoseok shuttered.

"There's no need to panick, if you're not ready to give you answer yet, I'll wait" Yoongi said & smiled. And a sudden moment Hoseok's tiny arms hugged Yoongi as Yoongi quickly responded back.

"I love you too, Mr. Min, I love you more than anything!" He said & hugged Yoongi tightly. But Yoongi broke the hug with a serious look.
And hoseok made a confuse look.

And soon he saw Yoongi going on his knees pulling out a small box showing a diamond ring. & Hoseok gasped. Slapping his mouth with his fist.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" Yoongi asked smiling. And Hoseok nodded in happiness as Yoongi slid the ring in his finger. & Stood up.

"B-but, Mr. Min isn't it's too expensive?" Hobi asked cutely.

"Nothing is expensive more than your smile, baby, & you've to get used to it now. Because I'm going to spoil you with my all love" Yoongi giggled.

"Aish!" Hoseok his his face with his palm.

"Aww, my shy, shy baby" He teased receiving a light slap on his chest from Hoseok. As he chuckled again.

"Now, shall we go to eat something?"
Yoongi asked as Hoseok nodded & they both went to have their dinner.

Any thoughts about next part?

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